The object - the Colorado potato beetle, potato varieties of vyits the traits of various level of resistance to this pests species, ug, grade a different nature of stability of a. The purpose - to determine of an ability of separate phenotypes of this pest to overcome barriers of potato's genotypes о various nature of the resistance on the base of regularities of formation of wall heterogeneous structure of me Colorado potato beetle's populations to detoxiceele insecticides with various mechanisms of action, and to produce resistant lines, which in future an able to give populations wit] dominance of the resistance to protective factors of the potato and insecticides. The theoretical and practical results - is was stated that monitoring of a population's structure by the phenoforms, sex relations and a mass of they beetles individuals is key link for prognosis of the pest's aggressively and resistance level to any protection's svstem о crop, that allows to take measures in time relatively limitation o f a rateunder forming of the resistance and to suppor high level of the protection methods effectiveness, to cut expenditures for finding of new insecticides. The novelty -is was studied the structure the indigenous (local) population of this pest by morphological traits (signs) in accordance which a picture of foreback that was differed wit pfenoforms' frequency and vitality by years. At was states a presence of the pest's individuals that were able to overcome variants' resistance or toxicity of insecticides of any mechanism of action at different by food qualities biotopes (industrial fields of Potato Institute" of UAAS, hybrid plots, wild species and homestead plots). At was found out means of monitory as to the structure of population and sensitivity of phenoforms to stress factors. At allows to predict quic formation of resistance to protection system of the potato. In the first time in conditions of Ukraine is was studies in the laboratory conditions the possibility of surviving of a population of the Colorado potato beetle on generically modified varieties of the potato Russet Burbank g. m., Ai lantic g. m., Superior g. m., with the gene B.t.t. and possi ble ways of formation of resistance the profile tive system of such a kind. The methods - laboratory experiments (i vitro) concerning structure of a population of the Colorad potato beetle and its change under effect of factories о potato stability as well as under effect of insecticides. Th sphere - effecting of agricultural production.