Doctor programs
PhD programs
Applied physics and nanomaterials
Architecture and town planning
Automation and computer-integrated technologies
Aviation and aerospace technologies
Biotechnology and bioengineering
Building and civil engineering
Business, trade and exchange activities
Chemical technology and engineering
Computer sciences and information technologies
Consumer industry technologies
Electrical energetics, electrical engineering and electromechanics
Environmental protection technology
Finance, banking and insurance
Fine arts, decorative art, restoration
Industrial machinery engineering
Information systems and technologies
Information, library and archival studies
International Economic Relations
International relations, public communications and regional studies
Livestock production and processing Woodworking and furniture technologies of animal products
Medical diagnostic and treatment Woodworking and furniture technologies
Metrology and information-measuring technology
Micro- and nano-system technology
Military acquisition and procurement
Military management (by types of armed forces)
Oil and gas engineering and technology
Plants protection and quarantine
Public management and administration
Secondary education (by subject specialization)
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Transport technologies (by type)
Veterinary hygiene, sanitation and expertise
Vocational education (by subject specialization)
Water bio-resources and aquaculture