263 Civil security


Vitaly V. Hilpert

Improvement of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in Forestry Based on Risk Management


Kohtieva Olha P

Ensuring safety in the construction of defence and industrial complexes in disused mines and workings.


Hridiaiev Vladimir V.

Substantiation of complex means parameters for personal protection of the coke and chemical industry workers


Knysh Ivan M

Substantiation of frames parameters for light filtering half masks of quick adjust


Polozhii Anton V.

Rationale and development of ways to improve the safety of miners while maintaining workings in deep coal mines


Nosal Dmytro Oleksandrovych

Substantiation of parameters and improvement of the labor protection management system at coal mines taking into account its nonlinear nature (on the example of the enterprises of the Coal Business Unit DTEK ENERGO LLC)


Miroshnychenko Vadym Volodymyrovych

Improvement of methods of monitoring of aerogas-dynamic parameters and assessment of aerological risk of ventilation systems of coal mines with the use of smart technologies


Meshcheriakova Iryna V.

Improvement of occupational safety of operators, taking into account the parameters of light environment at production premises


Filatieva Elvira M

Substantiation of parameters of safe mining of coal seams taking into account gas release from the underworked stratum


Rashkevich Nina Vladislavna

Emergencies prevention at solid waste landfill with liquidation energy-intensive technological equipment


Mykhaylovska Yuliіa

Improving response efficiency on emergencies with ammunition explosions by resourcing optimization.