023 Fine arts, decorative art, restoration


Nataliya M. Datsyuk

Sacred Art of the Temples Decoration in Ternopil region in the 20th – Early 21st Centuries.


Anna E. Luhovska

Contemporary art institutions in the exhibition practice of Ukraine (early 1990-s – 2020)


Maryna V. Streltsova

Symposium Movement of Ukraine and World Sculptural Practice of the Late 20th – Early 21st Centuries


Natalia Tymoshenko

The Problems of Genres of Figurative Folk Painting of Central Ukraine in the First Half of the Twentieth Century (On the Example of the Analysis of Creativity of Separate Masters). Keywords: Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko, artist, tradition, folk art, figurative folk painting, folk picture, genre, terms, postcard, drawing, art history research, Hryhorii Ksionz, Panas Yarmolenko.


Dariia V. Lutsyshyna

The Creative Works of Young Female Contemporary Artists of Kyiv in the 2000-2010s.


Uliana Shcheviova

Entry Spaces of Residential Buildings in Eastern Galicia at the End of the 19th to the First Third of the 20th Century: Stylistic and Artistic Features of Decoration


Lidia Kukil

Mascaron in the architecture of Lviv of the XIX — first quarter of the XX centuries: typology, symbolism, stylistic features


Oleksandra Barbalat

Byzantine Kyivan Rus G oldsmith ery T raditions in the Modern J ewelry A rt of Ukraine


Iryna Sytnyk

Tetiana Yablonska’s artistic career within the cultural and artistic processes in Ukraine in the middle of the 20th and the early 21st century


Kateryna M. Popovych

Visual and Stylistic Particular Qualities of Lithography Artworks Created by Kyiv Graphic School (1950–2020s)


Svitlana V. Dolesko

Денисюк Жанна ЗахарівнаДенисюк Жанна ЗахарівнаДенисюк Жанна Захарівна


Miachkova Tatiana Oleksandrivna

Creative legacy of the Ukrainian artist I. Driapachenko (1881–1936): his stylistic and thematic endeavours


Novikova Olha Valentynivna

Chinese porcelain in museums of Ukraine: history of collections and attribution of art pieces


Kukil Nataliia Oleksandrivna

Conceptual Line, Art and Stylistic Features of the Hryhorii Synytsia’s Monumental Painting between 1960s and 1980s.


Baltaziuk Iryna V.

«A symbol in the painting of Kyiv artists of the early XXI century: context, typology, artistic and stylistic features»


Mosendz Oksana O.

Symbolics of color and light in Ukrainian painting of the first third of the XX century in the context of the search for national style


Osadchiy Viktor

Artistic life of Kremenchuk at the end of the XIX–XX centuries


Gu Xingchen

Scientific discourse of the study of traditional Chinese painting in European and American art history


Akridina Hanna Volodymyrivna

Monumental and decorative art of Odessa orthodox temples


Hryhorov Viktor О.

Kyiv murals and frescoes of the 2nd half of the XX century: transformation of the figurative-plastic system


Shemenova Yuliia Volodymyrivna

Murals of Ukraine in world street art: formation, plastic modeling, artistic and figurative features


Pitenina Valeriia Yevheniivna

Stylistic features of children’s book illustration in Ukraine in the first third of the 20th century.


Hetmanchuk Serhii V.

Artistic arrangement of representative premises of public buildings of Lviv of the second half of the XIX century


Lototska Olena Volodymyrivna

Technological basis of restoration of the alabaster works in architecture and art


Wang Min

Donators’ Cicle in the Murals of the Temple Complex of the Dunhuang Caves: Typology, Composition, Iconography, Stylistics


Khrebtenko Marharyta

Iconography in Left-bank Ukraine and Kyiv Region in the second half of the 17th – first half of the 18th century.Technique, technology and restoration peculiarities


Kamenetska Yuliia V.

Ukrainian bookplate of the late 1980s - 2010s: traditions, transformation, latest achievements