Osadchiy V. Artistic life of Kremenchuk at the end of the XIX–XX centuries

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 023 - Культура і мистецтво. Образотворче мистецтво, декоративне мистецтво, реставрація


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 64.109.006

Kharkiv Academy of Design and Arts


The dissertation is devoted to the research of various aspects of artistic life and artistic processes of Kremenchuk of the end of the XIX–XX centuries. The issues of creative heritage of outstanding artists-natives of Kremenchuk, creative heritage of I. Riepin connected with the city, exhibition activity, development of handicrafts, photographic art, establishment, formation and functioning of art societies and unions, art sociocultural institutes, contribution of graduates are revealed. Kharkiv Art and Industrial Institute in the formation of the monumental and decorative face of the city, stylistic and technological features of monumental and decorative works made by artists as part of the artistic life of Kremenchuk and an integral part of the overall development of Ukrainian art. Artistic life of Kremenchuk in the late XIX – early XX centuries is a multifaceted process, formed by professional artists, masters of photographic art, handicrafts and amateur artists. The Kremenchug Provincial Agricultural and Handicraft Exhibition of 1896 became especially important for the economic, cultural and artistic development of the city. A significant event in the artistic life of the city in early 1914 was the opening of the first exhibition of paintings. An important component of the artistic life of Kremenchuk in the period under study was photography, the formation of which was facilitated by the high economic, social and cultural level of the city. The artistic life of Kremenchuk gained a powerful development in the ІІ half of the ХХ century, which is associated with the opening of a local branch of the Poltava Regional Society of Artists and the beginning of artistic activity in Kremenchug art workshops of graduates of art institutions of higher education in Moscow, Leninhrad, Kyiv, Lviv and Kharkiv Art and Industrial Institute: M. Anisimov, V. Bondarenko, M. Keler, A. Kotliar, B. Maksymenko, V. Sakalash, M. Khakhin, N. Yuzefovych and others, who made the most significant contribution not only to the color scheme of the monumental and decorative palette of the city, but also led to the development of exhibition activities, opening of an exhibition hall, shop of the Art Fund of the USSR, emergence and increase of members of the Union of Artists of the USSR, youth art associations, and, as a result, the establishment of the Kremenchug city organization of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Analysis of stylistic and technological features of monumental and decorative works, such as: mosaics «My Motherland», stained glass «Our song is our glory», relief «Wedding Holiday», made by I.-V. Zadorozhnyi in Kremenchuk, contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the artistic originality of Kremenchuk. The main historical stages of formation of the museum of local lore are considered in the study, the analysis of objects of art of funds of preservation is carried out, the main milestones of formation of Kremenchug Art and Craft School № 9, children's art school, art galleries are outlined. Understanding the above research issues and features provided an opportunity to comprehensively analyze the historiographical interactions of artistic gaps and aspects in the context of identifying the overall picture of the artistic life of Kremenchuk in the late ХІХ–ХХ centuries. Research and analysis of the state of scientific development of the topic gives grounds to assert the lack of thorough, systematic scientific exploration of the artistic life of Kremenchuk of these time limits, which determines the relevance of this professional work. The object of research is the artistic life of Kremenchuk of the end of the XIX–XX centuries, the subject – specific features, objects and components of the artistic life of Kremenchuk of the end of the XIX–XX centuries, personalities and creative heritage of artists, stylistics and technology of monumental and decorative works. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions, a list of used sources and appendices (album of illustrations)


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