271 Marine and river transport


Maltsev Stanislav Eduardovych

Development of a method for determining the parameters of ship maneuvering in curvilinear motion


Brazhnik Ihor D.

Improvement of Processes in Inert Gas System on Tankers During the Oil Shipment


Plita Leonid L.

Models and methods for improving navigation safety based on a local radio navigation system with a flexible structure


Aleinikov Vladislav Mikhailovich

Raising of efficiency of waterborne transport operation by using a detailed array of depths in electronic mapping systems for rivers


Zazirny Andriy Andriyovych

Methods of formalizing the process of management of the vessel to increase the efficiency of the functioning of ship ergative systems with a change in structure


Trofymenko Anastasiya Olehivna

"Methods and models of synthesis of compatible control- diagnostic apparatus are for technical maintenance of facilities of water-carriage"


Kuropyatnyk Oleksii A.

Providing of the sea vessels ecological exploitation


Boyko Svitlana Oleksiyivna

Models and methods for predicting the durability of river and sea transport equipment under operating conditions by technical condition


Shevchenko Anton Petrovich

"Models and methods for forecasting the technical state of soft-transport water transport"


Alieinikov Mykhailo V

"Models and Methods of Efficient Navigation Using the Instrumental Navigation Method on the Dnieper River"


Kolomiiets Oksana

Models and methods of automation of the technical condition of water transport facilities in various conditions of operation