204 Livestock production and processing Woodworking and furniture technologies of animal products


Alona S. Siabro

Influence of Proоxidant-Antioxidant Homeostasis on the Formation of Reproductive Capacity of Pigs and Ways of Correction


Iryna Kushnir

Development of a starter preparation using microorganisms of Enterococcus isolated from traditional Carpathian cheese


Vladyslav O. Pitera

The use of yeast extract (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in feeding meat-oriented poultry


Oksana Y. Ivashchenko

Genetic diversity of cattle populations by genetic markers associated with disease resistance.


Matvieiev Mykhailo Andriiovych

Improvement of methods for assessing the animals' breeding value in dairy farming based on the usage of information databases


Chekh Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Development and implementation of innovative technology «GREEN ARTICLE» for processing pre-incubation and edible eggs of chickens


Halai Oksana Yuriivna

Research of efficiency of high-productive milking installations used under the condition of innovative technologies


Tkachenko Tetyana Yu.

Influence of different level of lysine in diets of pigs with canned wet corn grain on butchering indicators and product quality


Vuhliar Vasyl S

Productivity, feed digestibility and quality of pig meat for feeding of protein-vitamin-mineral supplemen


Shevchuk Natalya P.

Assessment of selection methods for breeding and improvement of the Ukrainian Red Dairy Breed of cattle.


Zhyzhka Stanislav

Optimization of technical and technological conditions for keeping pigs of Irish selection in terms of industrial technology