3. Object of study: biological action mechanisms of nonylbenzenes in composition of Mannich phenol base and its hydroxyethylized derivatives (neonoles) in the organism of rats in conditions of short- and long-time influence. Purpose of study: establishment of biologically active mechanisms of new group of xenobiotics – nonylbenzenes (MPB, neonoles of MPB 9-4, MPB 9-12, MPB 9-20) by investigation of their influence on oxidative-antioxidative homeostasis, biomembrane composition, membrane process state and processes of neurohymoral regulation in rat organism. Methods of study: spectrophotometric, spectrofluorometric, chromatographic, chemiluminiscentic, radioisotopic, methods of fluorescentic sondes, morphofunctional, hystochemical, toxicologic, statistical. Theoretical and practical significance of results: the obtained results are the new scientific data concerning biological mechanisms of the xenobiotics group (nonylbenzenes) and the main scientific basis of explanation of biochemical patterns of structurally metabolic disturbances in the organism. The latter is used to elaborate prophylactic, health-preserve measures and explanation of state standards of contents of the compounds in environmental objects. Novelty of obtained results: The study shows nonylbenzenes to be membrane-tropic compounds. This effect is caused by their primary immidiate influence on biomembrane phospholipid composition, activity of enzymic and receptory membrane-bound complexes and by their mediated influence with the participation of general non-specific mechanisms of intensification of lipid and protein peroxidation, NO-dependent processes on the background of antioxidant system activity inhibition. The crucial link of the membrane-tropic mechanism of action is shown to be the oxidative stress, which results in secondary destructive and distrophic alterations of biomembranes, in disturbance of neurohumoral and intracellular processes. Introduction degree: the results are used to upground and update the state standards of nonylbenzenes contents in environmental objects and to elaborate complex programs of prophylactic and health-preserve messures in NPO “Synthesis SAS” (Shebekino, Russia) (introduction act № 11-13б/318 from 10.04.02 and № 12/20 from 19.12.01). According to the methodic means used in the study, we obtained a patent for “The means of determination of neuroactive aminoacids binding parameters (№ 33927 А, G01N 33/48), which is subscribed to the register of new introductions of Ukranian Ministry of Health № 18-19-2003. Sphere of application: xenobiotics biochemistry, pharmacological biochemistry, toxico-logy.