Yurkiv Z. Velvet Amur (Phellodendron amurence Rupr.) in the forest cultures of Western Forest-steppe of Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 06.03.01 - Лісові культури, селекція, насінництво


Specialized Academic Board

Д 35.072.02

Ukrainian national forestry university


Research object: artificial forest planting with participation of velvet Amur in to Western Forest-steppe of Ukraine. Research purpose: on the basis of generalization of forestcultural experience of cultivation of velvet Amur to develop technological bases of creation and growing of the artificial planting after his participation for the receipt of finewood and cork in the conditions of Western Forest-steppe of Ukraine. Research methods: forest-valuation the price, complete preparing, non-destructive control, comparative ecology, determination of sowing qualities of seed, determination of physico-mechanical properties of wood, and corks, statistical. Scientific novelty: first investigational bioenvironmental properties of velvet Amur in forest cultures Western Forest-steppe of Ukraine; the features of fruiting of breed are studied, influence of methods of preseed preparation of seed on his likeness, growth and resistance to the cold of seedlings; certainly optimum edaphic-hydrological terms of growth of velvet on territory of region of researches; new betweenness are set by the components of above-ground and underground parts of trees of breed; it is developed and made to order a production rational types of forest cultures with participation of velvet Amur for terms probed region. Degree of introduction: drawn on the results of researches at growing of planting material and creation of forest cultures with participation of velvet Amur on territory DP of "Bibrske LG" of the Lvov regional management of forest and hunting economy and DP of "Stradchivskiy NVLK" of Department of education and science of Ukraine, and also in an educational process in NUFWT of Ukraine during teaching of disciplines the "Forest cultures" and "Forest rootscience". Branch of use: forestry.


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