Object of research: processes regulating the development of regional consumer market in post-crisis recovery, objective research: the development of theoretical and methodological principles of regulation of the regional consumer market and practical suggestions for improving its efficiency in post-crisis recovery, methods: statistical, economic and mathematical statistically-behavioral method of comparison, the methods of modeling, design, forecasting, systematyzatsi, systems analysis, management approach, factor analysis, theoretical and practical results: method of calculation of the integral indicator of the regional consumer market, presented as an iterative process using a set of indicators with a clear logical content unit, the number, the interpretation of the definition of "local consumer market" as a complex system of socio-economic processes and relations in the exchange and consumption, aimed at meeting the growing needs of the population of a territory in high-quality goods and services in the required range that provides a balance of supply and demand in the region and aimed at increasing accessibility and aims to improve the quality of life, the system of principles of economic incentives of the consumer market in the region, consisting of selected specific: inseparable function of local economic incentives in the state and local management, alignment of regional development through the selectivity of areas earmarked funds for state support of life-support systems of the population; multyplikatyvnosti economic incentives and others.; mechanism of problem-based method under the control of the consumer market at the regional level that will ensure more effective management of the market by minimizing interference and timely response to significant problems in view of regional features, the structure of the factors that influence the development of regional consumer market, including allocated cash income and expenditures of population, supply of goods and services, prices of goods and services, and singled out a specific group factors of investment in the consumer market, building a simulation of economic-mathematical model of the system of consumer services in the region, which includes six units that describe a given field operation of the test object using the set of interrelated parameters and allow you to take into account regional specifics and internal features of the environment; degree of implementation: design implemented in practical activities of the Economic Cherkasy RSA, universities CSTU.