Vinnyk O. Treatment of the distal radius fractures in elderly patients

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.21 - Травматологія та ортопедія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 08.601.03

State institution "Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine"


Thesis deals with the actual task of treatment elderly patients with the distal radius fractures. Under experimental conditions through calculation of the relative modulus determined that the specific density and inconsistent spongy bone at the site significantly reduced 10-18 mm from the articular surface. Found that the lowest levels of apportionment spongy bone and cortical layer observed in the segment styloid process. The trend of transition to more complex intraarticular fractures by increasing the average age of patients. The approaches to the treatment of patients of different age groups and with the damage caused by a traumatic factor of varying intensity. The results of treatment of 128 patients with the distal radius fractures using the proposed differentiated treatment tactic and the use of immobilization splint that allowed the functional discharge wrist joint, positive results were obtained in 93.92% of cases.


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