Khrebtova O. Frequency-adjustable asynchronous electric drive of a drain dam damper with improved motion and start dynamics

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 05.09.03 - Електротехнічні комплекси та системи


Specialized Academic Board

Д 45.052.01

Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University


Khrebtova O. Frequency-adjustable asynchronous electric drive of a drain dam damper with improved motion and start dynamics. – Qualification scientific work as a manuscript. Thesis for the scientific degree of Cand.Sc. for tne specialty 05.09.03 – Electrotechnical complexes and systems (141 – Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics). – Kremenchug Mуkhailо Ostrogradsky National University Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kremenchuk, 2018. Disertation priisvjachena virishennyu zavdanja poliupshennia dinamiki rushanja that start of the electric drive mehanizmu pіdіymannya zatvora zlivnogo greebly with the important instants of the start-up on the basis of the frequency-regulating electric drive. Otrimanі analіtichnі zalezhnostі point support tehnologіchnogo mehanіzmu at rushannі urahuvannyam of two physical and mehanіchnih vlastivostey tehnologіchnogo seredovischa. Doslіdzhena zmіna moment of support with a crusted kerovannogo rushannya, with vikonannі matematicheskoy modulyuvannya і brought up dotsilnist pre-start preparation of the electric drive. The method of viznachennya analichnichnyi polinomialnye zalizhnosti momentu і strum z uraуuvannjam parametіv contour namagnichuvannya is broken. On bazі otrimanih virazіv viznachennі parametric naprugi zhivlennya at formuvannі starting point Rushan, scho perevischuє certified value of mіnіmalnim The stator Strum. Nabuv away rozvitku method viznachennya temperature nagrіvu stator windings at rushannі in pokrokovomu rezhimі scho deposits od parametrі naprugi zhivlennya, Rushan algorithm that vlastivostey contour namagnіchuvannya asinhronnoї machine. Brought mozhlivіst dotsіlnіst zastosuvannya avtomatizovanoї i sistemi frequency regulovanogo elektprivoda, yak zasobu realіzatsії peredstartovih algoritmіv Rushaniya i kerovanogo launch elektroprivoda at zdіysnennі pokrokovogo prikladannya Rushaniya time for asynchronous machines dvodvigunovogo elektroprivoda of poslіdovnim zbіlshennyam starting point on Malih obertannya frequencies. The mathematical model of the automated kerouvannya system has been milled by the dvvvigunovim electric drive, the yak, on the roads, the permissions to form start-ups, the modes of operation at the time of the support with the rushan technologic mechanism, the vicarious operations of the pre-launch preparation, the transfer of the bolt in tight pockets with the indirect control of the temperature regimes of the stator windings of the asynchronous dvigun. Key words: starting torque, power supply voltage parameters, starting torque, pre-start preparation, starting algorithm, temperature regimes, expert system of starting. Referencese Scientific works, in which the main scientific results of the dissertation are published : 1. Khrebtova О., Serhiienko S. Starting Torque of Variable Frequency Electric Drive. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Comference on Modern Electrical and Energy System (MEES). Kremenchuk, Ukraine, 2017. Р. 104–107. (Scopus) Articles in Ukrainian journals included in international science-computer databases : 2. Khrebtova O. A., Gladyr A. I., Leshchuk O. Yu. Doslіdzhennya mekhanіzmu pіdnyattya zatvoru zlivnoї grebі na fіzichnіy modelі Yelektromekhanіchnі і energozberіgayuchі sistemi. 2011. Vol. 3 (15). P. 54–57. (Ukrainika naukova). 3. Khrebtova O. A., Gladyr A. I., Shapoval Є. O., Kalіn K. V. Chastotno–regulovaniy elektroprivod mekhanіzmu pіdyomu zatvora zlivnoї greblі. Yelektromekhanіchnі і energozberіgayuchі sistemi. 2012. Vol. 2 (18). P. 51–55. (Ukrainika naukova). 4. Khrebtova O. A., Chenchevoy V. V., Ogar V. A. Opredelenie momenta asinkhronogo dvigatelya pri troganii. Yelektromekhanіchnі і energozberіgayuchі sistemi. 2013. Vol. 4 (24). P. 62–70. (Ulrich’s periodicals directory, Copernicus, Polska bibliografia naukowa). 5. Khrebtova O. A., Chenchevoy V. V., Gladyr A. I. Upravlenie troganiem asinkhronnogo elektroprivoda gruzopodemnogo mekhanizma Yelektromekhanіchnі і energozberіgayuchі sistemi. 2014. Vol. 3 (27). P. 28–39. (Ulrich’s periodicals directory, Index copernicus, Сitefactor, Polish scholarly bibliography, Directory of research journals indexing, Scientific indexing services). 6. Khrebtova O. A., Sergієnko S. A. Formirovanie momenta soprotivleniya elektromekhanicheskoy sistemy dvukhdvigatelnogo elektroprivoda mekhanizma podema zatvora slivnoy plotiny pri troganii. Yelektromekhanіchnі і energozberіgayuchі sistemi. 2017. Vol. 1 (37). P. 28–36. (Ulrich’s periodicals directory, Index copernicus, Сitefactor, Polish scholarly bibliography, Info base index, Google scholar, Directory of research journals indexing, Universal impact factor, Research bible, Scientific indexing services). Articles in the leading professional editions of Ukraine : 7. Khrebtova O. А., Gladyr A. I. Sistemy upravlyaemogo troganiya na baze chastotnoreguliruemykh elektroprivodov. Vіsnik Kremenchutskogo derzhavnogo unіversitetu іmenі Mikhayla Ostrogradskogo. 2007. Vol. 4 (45). chast. 1. P. 8–13.


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