Ganziuk A. The improvement of the wear resistance of tribosystems in low-amplitude fretting with the use of fusible alloys

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 05.02.04 - Тертя та зношування в машинах


Specialized Academic Board

Д 70.052.02

Khmelnytskyi National University


The scientific and technical tasks of increase of wearproofness of tribosystems nominally immobile connections in the conditions of littlepeak fretting with application of fusible alloys taking into account an environment are solved in the dissertation. In theory, from positions of physical chemistry of solid, it is investigated experimentally that an application of soft coverages on the basis of lead, tin, cadmium which have low resistance of fluidity and ability to change the coefficient of friction on contacting surfaces and also can take in certain part of energy of vibration is a perspective direction against FP in nominally immobile connections of details of machines. On the basis of principles of non-equilibrium thermodynamics (irreversible processes) new theoretical presentations of physical and chemical mechanics of friction contact, that touches nature and reciprocally of processes that cause the frettage of metals, are offered. The evolutional model of dynamic conduct of tribosystem is offered on the basis of method of mathematical design and computer simulation. Experimentally mode of dynamic clutch-slippage for FP, as the most dangerous from point of maximal friction and oscillation activity in a contact. It is investigated that relative element composition of interactive surfaces changes as a result of fretting. Moreover, it is investigated that the wear of matrix, at introduction to the area of contact of fusible alloy, begins only after 0,15х106N to the 0,3х106N cycles, and the wearproofness of pair of friction at fretting of the probed materials is increased in 2-3 times. Recommendations against FP in nominally immobile connections of details of machines, method, technology and construction of equipment, for causing of fusible alloy (Bi-Sn-Pb-Cd) on-the-spot nominally immobile the united details of machines are offered.


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