Pedko K. Psychological factors in restoration of social capital of internally displaced persons

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 19.00.05 - Соціальна психологія; психологія соціальної роботи


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.457.01

Institute of Social and Political Psychology NABS of Ukraine


The results of the study about the influence of psychological factors on the recovery of social capital of internally displaced persons are presented in the paper. Social capital is defined as the set of actual and potential resources of a person's social network that he or she uses based on his / her interests. Its components highlight the resources of the actor's social network, trust, and readiness for mutual assistance. A theoretical model of the influence of psychological factors on the restoration of social capital of IDPs is presented, where their social initiative, attitudes and perceptive-interactive competence are highlighted as factors. The largest change in social capital indicators in IDPs is caused by the following psychological factors such as social autonomy, belief in kindness of surrounding, orientation toward partner acceptance and focus on reaching a compromise. The most moving spheres of social capital were readiness for mutual assistance to people outside the group with which the displaced person identifies himself / herself, and readiness for mutual assistance to members of their own group, as well as a leisure and productive skills resources.


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