Tkach O. Specific aspects of the development of pine stands damaged by ground fires in Volyn Polissia

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 06.03.03 - Лісознавство і лісівництво


Specialized Academic Board

К 64.828.01

Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration named after G. M. Vysotsky


Object – features of forest fires and postpyrogenic changes of pine forests; aim is to identify the features of the forest fires occurrence and postpyrogenic changes in the pine forests of Volyn Polissia; methods – forest mensurational, dendrochronological, forest pathological environmental and methods of mathematical-statistical analysis using modern information technologies; novelty – trends in forest fires have been established; age-related trend of forest litter formation and it combustion regimes have been established; changes in the pine forests of Volyn Polissia damaged by surface fires were studied; results – methodological approaches have been developed to assess the anomalous weather conditions, the dynamics of post-pyrogenic mortality and marketability of pine forests; it was found that fires in abnormally dry years are especially catastrophic, lethal levels of damage to pine forests by various types of heat spreading are revealed; preventive measures to minimize losses caused by forest fires in the pine forests of Volyn Polissia are proposed; scope of application – forestry.


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