Sishchuk M. Forestry and ecological features of the introduction of coniferous species in the north-eastern slope of the Ukrainian Carpathians

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 06.03.01 - Лісові культури, селекція, насінництво


Specialized Academic Board

Д 35.072.02

Ukrainian national forestry university


The object of research - geographical cultures of cedar pines in the highlands and foothills, high-altitude introductory crops in different forest conditions. The subject of research is silvicultural-assessment and selection-form assessment of introduced coniferous species and their ecotypes. Peculiarities of growth of 43-48-year-old cedar pines in the geographical cultures of the highlands (1150-1280 m above sea level) and their prospects in terms of complex indicators of productivity, stability, quality have been revealed. The selection-form structure of phytocenoses of different species of cedar pines is established and phenotypic samples of their plus trees are modeled. Vegetative, generative development, the nature of seasonal biorhythms according to phenological data and the phenological lag of cedar pines in the foothills and highlands were clarified. The regularity of adaptive variability of Siberian cedar pine ecotypes according to biometric indicators is established. Bioecological features of adaptation of 36-42-year-old coniferous introducers in cultures created from identical planting material at altitudes of 930 and 1130 m above sea level are revealed.The obtained results are of scientific and practical importance for solving forestry problems related to the introduction of coniferous introducers and their ecotypes in various forest vegetation conditions of the region.


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