Shkliaiev O. Technology of cream-whipped candies using chia seeds

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 05.18.01 - Технологія хлібопекарських продуктів, кондитерських виробів та харчових концентратів


Specialized Academic Board

К 64.088.03

Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade


The dissertation is devoted to the development and scientific substantiation of the technology of cream-whipped candies, made with partial reduction of dry egg albumin, margarine and jelly-forming agent due to the use of chia seeds (Salvia hispanica) in whole and crushed state. It is experimentally established that both whole and crushed chia seeds characterized by high water-retaining, fat-retaining and fat-emulsifying ability. Whole chia seeds improve foaming ability of a solution of dry egg albumin and increase the stability of whipped protein masses. Making whole and crushed seeds to cream-whipped candies has a positive effect on quality characteristics of finished products, including during storage. Developed types of candies have an improved chemical composition. The technological documentation for the new products has been approved in accordance with the established procedure. The proposed technology has been tested and implemented in confectioneries and in the educational process of KSUFTT. The complex indicator of quality of new products is calculated, economic efficiency from realization of the developed technology.


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