Bondar S. Investigation of mechanically separated poultry meat and development of the technology of production of paste with its use

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 05.18.04 - Технологія м`ясних, молочних продуктів і продуктів з гідробіонтів


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.058.03

National university of food technologies


Bondar S.V. Investigation of mechanically separated poultry meat and development of the technology of production of paste with its use. – Qualification scientific work on the rights of the manuscript. Dissertation for the obtaining degree of a candidate of Technical Sciences (Philosophy Doctor) on specialty 05.18.04 "Technology of meat, dairy products and products from hydrobionts" - Institute of Food Resources of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, National University of Food Technologies, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021. The influence of technological factors on the microelement composition, rheological properties, microstructure, and food safety of mechanically separated poultry meat has been established in the work. Scientifically grounded data on the characteristic physical and chemical indices of mechanically separated poultry meat: dispersion (degree of musculoskeletal disturbance), bone mineral content, chemical composition (mass fraction of protein, fat, moisture) and important in the sense of safety assessment of this raw microbiological and sanitary-hygienic characteristics were obtained. The search and analysis of scientific, literary, patent materials concerning the existing technologies and equipment for the production of mechanically separated meat are carried out. A review of domestic and foreign technologies of the use of mechanically separated meat in the production of pates is made. The analysis of modern technologies of paste production is carried out. Possibility and expediency of using mechanically separated meat in the production of pates is theoretically proven. The analysis of various types of flour, these being rich in protein and having different high moisture content, is carried out. It is revealed that rice flour is the most rational for the use in compositions of the pates due to physicochemical, functional-technological and structural-mechanical indices. The conclusion is made of the expediency of using a new type of raw material, namely, mechanically separated meat in the meat industry. The expediency of using rice flour for the production of paste in conjunction with mechanically separated meat is substantiated. The quality indices, in particular, sensorial parameters, of meat pastes, were studied. It was established that the partial replacement of the main raw material with mechanically separated meat and rice flour, in general, does not reduce the sensorial parameters of the developed products. Paste with the use of mechanically separated meat and rice flour had homogeneous, pleasant elastic mashed structure and soft consistency, whereas the consistency in the control sample was dense and crusty. The physical-chemical and functional-technological indices of meat pastes with mechanically separated poultry meat have been determined. It was found that the increase of acid and peroxide numbers in experimental samples with mechanically separated meat and rice flour occurs slower than in the control ones. A mathematical model is proposed and software is developed that enables determining and predicting the quality of paste products by sensorial parameters and the content of biologically active substances when using mechanically separated meat. With their help, one can develop new patches, both by changing their formulation, and appointing new technological regimes of production. On the basis of experimental results, the normative document TU 10.1-00419880-133:2017 "Canned meat. Paste from poultry meat «For Breakfast» Specifications" and technological document "Technological instruction on the production of canned meat. Paste from poultry meat «For Breakfast», are developed which contributes to the expansion of the range of poultry meat pates. The calculation of the expected technical and economic effect of the introduction of scientific development: the profitability is 40 % for a new type of paste product, expenses for 1 t are 32,8 thousand UAH, and the economic efficiency of the introduction of the proposed paste formulation, makes 105 thousand UAH due to the use of energy-efficient installation and cheapening of raw materials. Novelty and originality of the technical solutions are confirmed by the patent of Ukraine for the invention. The urgency of the direction for the food industry is confirmed by the certificates of participation in international scientific and practical conferences. Keywords: mechanically separated meat, pate, canned food, poultry meat, rice flour, quality modeling.


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