The task of calculating and analyzing technical losses of electricity in electrical networks and structuring them in different planes objectively differs from many calculation and analytical problems. After all, this provides a basis for planning measures for energy efficiency of energy supply companies. An important aspect of structuring electricity losses is the formation of element-by-element structure of electricity losses tied to the period of operation of network elements, as well as analysis to determine the local cells with the greatest impact on total electricity losses. It is possible to estimate the economically justified level of commercial losses only by determining them from the structure of the electricity balance. The increase in the commercial component depends on the increase in profits of energy supply companies, ie this area is quite relevant and promising in terms of development and implementation of software, in particular, using databases and information systems.
In the distribution electrical networks, the main source of measurements are automated systems of commercial electricity metering (ASCEM). ASCEM systems are designed to provide reliable and timely information on the accounting of electricity on the basis of which financial calculations are made between market participants. However, today the use of ASCEM in distribution networks is limited, and the available information does not allow to ensure the observation of distribution electricity networks and, as a consequence, to determine the components of electricity losses in the structure of the electricity balance with sufficient accuracy.
The most effective measure to ensure the monitoring of electrical distribution networks is the integration into ASCEM of smart meters with the ability to store and transmit data based on Smart Metering technology.
Based on this, the paper obtains a new solution to the current scientific and applied problem of increasing the reliability of the results of energy efficiency analysis of electrical distribution networks by improving the methods and means of their information support.
The following new results were obtained:
1. Possibilities of increasing the observation of distribution electric networks with the use of Smart Metering devices, aggregated information of automated systems of commercial electricity metering and pseudo-measurements are systematized and investigated. The expediency of application of results of estimation of a condition of distributive electric networks in information systems for the analysis of energy efficiency of electric networks is shown.
2. The method of inverse conversion of the fixed volumes of the consumed electric power into pseudo-measurement of schedules of electric loadings of consumers with use of typical schedules of loading (TSL) and generation of renewable energy sources, and also an estimation of a condition of electric networks is developed. It is shown that the use of data from electricity metering systems to supplement the vector of the state of electrical networks with information about power changes in unobserved nodes allows to increase the adequacy of modeling of 10 (6) kV distribution networks and the quality of electricity saving measures.
Typical schedules of renewable energy generation (TSG), obtained on the basis of typical data sets for the meteorological year, are used to determine the operating parameters and electricity losses in electrical networks.
3. The use of Smart Metering devices, aggregated information of automated systems of commercial electricity metering and pseudo-measurements allows to perform calculations for targeted determination of electricity losses and creates preconditions for their inclusion in the tariff for the final consumer. When calculating the retail tariff for electricity, different price indicators, the amount of subsidies and the volume of electricity purchases on the balancing market, etc. are taken into account.
4. Using the mathematical apparatus of sensitivity analysis and multicriteria analysis, the method of optimizing the location and sequence of implementation of Smart Metering electricity metering devices in 10 (6) kV distribution networks has been improved. It is shown that the use of the method helps to reduce capital investment and operating costs by considering the technical features of networks, as well as the sensitivity of the network mode parameters to the installation bus of Smart Metering.
Key words: electrical distribution networks, state estimation, observation, electricity losses, typical load schedule, typical generation schedule, typical electricity loss schedule.