Seniv M. Phytodiversity of Male Opillya: analysis and transformation

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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Д 26.211.01

M.G.Kholodny Institute of Botany NASU


The dissertation work is the first comprehensive study of the phytodiversity of Male Opillya, in which the inventory, analysis, and estimation of the flora’s degree of anthropogenic transformation were made. The area of the research region is 58,000 hectares. It was established that the flora of Malе Opilla is represented by 1192 species of vascular plants belonging to 472 genera, 96 families and five divisions. In the flora of Malе Opilla, the leading family in terms of the number of species and genera is Asteraceae. The ecoflora of the studied territory is mostly represented by light-loving, moist forest and meadow ecotopes, which indicate the typical Central European nature of the flora with many specific features of the temperate forest zone of the Holarctic. The synanthropic fraction of the flora of Malе Opilya is formed by 451 species belonging to 229 genera and 53 families. The territory of Malе Opillya has been greatly changed by the degree of transformation, but the natural flora is multi-component and quite well preserved. The rare component of the flora of Malе Opillуa is represented by 56 species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine Seven types of higher-ranked biotopes and 62 types of lower-ranked biotopes were found on the studied territory, among them synanthropic, forest and grass habitats predominate. Also, the flora of five nature conservation objects located on this territory was studied: the Regional landscape park "Stilske Horbohirya", the botanical reserve "Valley of Irises", the landscape reserve "Starytsi Dnistra", the protected area of local importance "Rozdilske", botanical nature monument "Radiv Arboretum". As a result of a comprehensive study of the flora of Malе Opillya and its nature protected areas, an insufficient level of flora conservation was revealed and it was proposed to unite all nature conservation areas (on the territory of Opillya within the Lviv region) to create the National Nature Park "Opillya".

Research papers

Scrypec K., Tasenkevich L., Seniv M. Iris sibirica L. (Iridaceae) on the territory of Western Ukraine. Biosystems Diversity. 2020. Vol. 28, № 3. P. 211-215.

Сенів М. М., Тaсєнкевич Л. О. Системaтичнa структурa флори Мaлого Опілля. Укрaїнський ботaнічний журнaл. 2021. Т. 78, № 1. С. 32–38.

Сенів М. М., Тaсєнкевич Л. О. Нові локaлітети Iris sibirica (Iridaceae) у Львівській облaсті. Укрaїнський ботaнічний журнaл. 2017. Т. 74, № 6. С. 574–577.

Tasenkevich L., Seniv M., Skrypec K. Rare and endangered vascular plant species of Malе Opillya (Lviv region, Ukraine). Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Naturae. 2021. Vol. 6. Р. 48-59.

Seniv M. Biomorphological structure of the Male Opillya flora. Hrvatski znanstveni glasnik. 2021. Vol. 1, № 6(6). Р. 8-11.

Долинa ірисів – ботaнічний зaкaзник зaгaльнодержaвного знaчення / Л.О. Тaсєнкевич, Х.І. Скрипець, М.М. Сенів, Т.С. Хміль, A.І. Сенюк, Є.О. Пукa. Львів : Простір-М, 2020. 122 с.

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