Сhayka Y. Geographical parthenogenesis and peculiarities of reproduction of diploid and triploid representatives of the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa - trapezoides (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 03.00.08 - Зоологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.153.01

Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation is devoted to the evolution of sexual reproduction and focuses on the causes and mechanisms of biological progress of obligate parthenogenetic organisms using earthworms as an example. The work is comparative research of the reproductive efficiency, geographical distribution and population structure of two species of earthworms - the diploid amphimictic Aporrectodea caliginosa and the closely related hybrid triploid parthenogenetic species A. trapezoides, which have the same size, sympatric habitats and form common settlements. The settlements of A. caliginosa within Ukraine are characterized by an Fst index of 0.13, which indicates above-average genetic heterogeneity. The reasons for the alternative nature of the genetic distribution of settlements of amphimictic A. caliginosa and apomictic species A. trapezoides are related to the mechanisms of genetic diversity formation. In populations of amphimictic species, the maximum genotypic diversity is achieved through recombination and is realized at the individual level within populations, while in clonal species it is caused by mutations and manifests itself mainly as intergroup variability. The level of individual fecundity in the parthenogenetic species A. trapezoides is slightly higher than in the amphimictic A. caliginosa. At the same time, despite a slight decrease in the number of juveniles, the total number of offspring surviving in culture in A. trapezoides is not lower than in A. caliginosa, which indicates that the fertility level of the parthenogenetic species also is not lower than that of the amphimictic species. The analysis of the literature proves that amphimictic and related apomictic species with obligate parthenogenesis don’е fundamentally differ in terms of individual fecundity and fertility. Therefore, mitotic gametogenesis, in terms of the quantity and quality of female sexual products, is no less effective a way of gamete formation than meiosis, which is characteristic of multicellular representatives of the animal kingdom.

Research papers

1. Mezhzherin S. V., Chayka Yu. Yu., Kokodiy S. V., Tsyba A. О. Comparative analysis of fecundity in close amphimictic Aporrectodea сaliginosa and apomictic A. trapezoides earthworms, and the problem of reproductive advantages of parthenogenetic animals // Zoodiversity. 2020. 54, 6. P. 479-486.

2. Mezhzherin S. V., Chayka Yu. Yu., Vlasenko R. P., Zhalay E. I., Rostovskaya O. V., Harbar O. V. The alternative distribution of related earthworms Aporrectodea caliginosa and A. trapezoides (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) in Ukraine as a case of geographical parthenogenesis. Zoodiversity, 2021. 55 (3): 185-194.

3. Mezhzherin S. V., Chayka Yu. Yu., Vlasenko R. P., Zhalay O. I., Garbar O. V. The genetic structure features of the amphimictic aarthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) populations within Ukraine. // Cytology and Genetics, 2021, 55 (5), P. 420-426.

4. Чайка Ю. Ю., Власенко Р. П. Аналіз ефективності використання методики продукування коконів дощовими червами роду Aporrectodea в штучних умовах // Біологія та екологія. 2019. Т. 5. С.108-112.

5. Межжерин С. В., Чайка Ю. Ю., Жалай Е. И. Репродуктивное преимущество партеногенетического дождевого червя Aporrectodea trapezoides над родительским амфимиктическим видом A. сaliginosa (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) // Доповіді Національної академії наук України. 2020. № 2. C. 76-81.

6. Межжерін С. В., Чайка Ю. Ю., Попов В. В., Власенко Р. П., Жалай О. І., Гарбар О. В. Географiчний партеногенез на прикладі видових угруповань дощових червів (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) відкритих ландшафтів // Доповіді Національної академії наук України. 2021. № 2. С. 108-114.

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