Dihtiar V. Medikal rehabilitation the children with ihnnocent tumor and tumorlike bone injuries (clinical –experimental rescach).

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.21 - Травматологія та ортопедія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.607.01

State institution "Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"


The research into medical reabilitation of the children with benign tumorours and tumourlike bone injuries. The main issue is to develop new direction of the of benign tumours and tumourlike bone injuries on the treatment, basis of the new methods of conservative and surgery treatment, amendment of the methods of operation and creation of the system of medical reabilitation for this type of patients in order to increase efficiency of the treatment. Tte methods-clinical, X-ray, statistics, biochemical, ultrasonic research, pathomorphological. On the basis of conducted experimentally researches simulative action of dalargin on reparative osteogenez was discovered. The specific features of bone osseus cyts healind during the conservative treatment with application of dalargin was detected. As a result bone osseous cyts were classified as susceptible and resistant. Taking into consideration the spread of the pathologic process classification of the volume of the bone resection was developed to the conservative treatment. It is the key point to the indentification and change of the treatment strategy. The_particulars of location and fixation of bone transplantation were registered. The system of medical reabilitation was established for the children with benign tumour and tumourlike bone injuries. The new methods of concervative and surgery treatment of patients were developed. The treatment and analysis of its results were made for 538 patients. Instructions to choosing the strategy and method of the treatment were directed in dependency of the type, spread and location of the pathological process. Time limits of the treatment were established. According to the introduced method during the treatment of the bone osseous cyts 82,35% of patients have managed to achieve positive results and to do without operation. Due to the proposed strategy and developed methods of operative intrusion 93,62% of patients howe obtained good results. Proposed method and recommendations to it were applied in the clinic practice of children’s ortopedists-traumatologists departments in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporogic, Nikolaev, Simpheropal, Lyvov, Chmelnisk, Chernovcy, Krivoy Rog. Tne field is Traumatology and ortopedic.


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