Liabakh A. Diagnostics and surgical treatment of acquired deformities of the foot

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.21 - Травматологія та ортопедія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.606.01

SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics by NAMS of Ukraine"


ОЬіесі - human foot аt thе поrmа апd раthology: аіm -іmproving іhе гезиlts оf tгеаtmепіt апd dесгеазіпg оf їhе іпvаlіzation іп раtіепts with асquired foot deformitits оп the bаsіs by studing of the раthоmесhапоgепеsis оf the foor dеfoгmаtiоп, hhеогеtical mоtіvation оf орегаtive соггесtіоп ргіпсірlез апd сгеаtіоп оf the sуstem оf sигgісаl tгеаtmепt; . methods - clinical-radiological, anatomic, biomechanical, ultrasound, hystological, clinic investigation, geometric analysis and mathematical motivation of principles of the deformed foot correction; novelty - studied the influence of the hindfoot position on its biomechanical features, resolved the problem of precise correction in reconstructive operations of the foot, studied structural-functional condition of tissues in ischemic foot contracture; results - new and advanced methods of surgical treatment, patents, introduction in orthopedic departments; branch - orthopedics and traumatology.


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