Davydenko I. Pathomorphological aspects of forming of syndrome of placental insufficiency at iron-deficiency anaemia of pregnant

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.03.02 - Патологічна анатомія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.003.06

Bogomolets National Medical University, Ministry of Health of Ukraine


Conception of forming of structural basis of syndrome of placental insufficiency at iron-deficiency anaemia of pregnant is developed. On the basis of the indicated conception the criteria of diagnostics of syndrome of placental insufficiency at iron-deficiency anaemia of pregnant in different terms of gestation are developed. A new scientific direction is offered - gestational mechanisms of forming of syndrome of placental insufficiency at extragenital pathology of mother.


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