Chernysh V. Reasons of failures outcome of the treatment of the closed fractures of long bones of the lower extremity and their prophylaxis

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.21 - Травматологія та ортопедія


Specialized Academic Board



Object - anatomical and functional results of treatment of close fractures of lower extremities' long bones; origins of most often complications; metabolism and immunological status during period of treatment; aim - increase good results of treatment of non-complicated close fractures of lower extremities' long bones at the base of recognising of bad results origins, development of complex multi-level prevention system, scientific ap-proaches to choice of treatment tactic; methods - clinical, radiological, biochemical and immunological blood tests, electrophysiological (electromyography, reovasography, khronaximetry), conceptual modeling, statistical and mathematical analysis; newest - recognised origins of bad results of treatment of close shaft and intraarticular fractures of lower extremities' long bones, determined biochemical bases for bone healing disorders in early pe-riod after trauma, determined and system made for im-munology and biochemistry processes during close shaft and intraarticular fractures of lower extremities' long bones, developed multi-level prevention system, created scientific base for better treatment technologies and clini-cal decision making for treatment of close fractures of lower extremities' long bones; results - new and better methods for surgical treatment, treatment alghorytms, patents, improvment in trauma departments; branch - traumatology and orthopedics


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