Englezy A. Complex influence of physical factors together with pharmacological and biological facilities of treatment of brain focal traumatic damage (experimental research).

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.05 - Нейрохірургія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.557.01

The State institution "Romodanov neurosurgery institute, National academy of medical sciences of Ukraine"


In dissertation on the basis of experimental research the conformities of isolated influence of certain physical factors (variable magnetic-field of low-frequency, electricity, low-intensive mechanical vibrations) and their complex application with pharmacological and biological (neurotrophins application, embryonic neural tissue transplantation) facilities on the brain at it's focal traumatic damage were found out. It was shown, that application of certain physical factors (variable magnetic field or electricity) activated processes, directed to demarcation and elimination of necrotic masses from the focus of destruction, that caused further activation of sanogenic mechanisms in perifocal zone that stimulated regeneration in cortical neurons of the injured hemisphere and promoted renewing of brain morph-functional properties. It is established that physical factors are capable to modulate action of pharmacological and biological facilities for brain traumatic process correction; on this basis optimal combinations of physical and nonphysical factors and terms of their application that promote potentiation of their treatment action were determined. The experimental treatment scheme for early and intermediate periods of brain damage was elaborated. In particular, the isolated magnetic stimulation and it's combination with medicines or neurotransplantation or neurothrophins, and combined application of electrical stimulation with neurotransplantation are recommended on the first week after operation. On the second week of postoperative period the isolated application of variable magnetic field or low-intensive mechanical fluctuations and their combined application with pharmacological factors or neurothrophins and combination of embryonic neural tissue transplantation and magnetic stimulation are recommended. On the fourth week after operation combined application of low-intensive mechanical fluctuations or magnetic stimulation with pharmacological or biological factors are recommended.


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