Ivchenko D. Reconstructive-restorative operations at tumor-like diseases and benign tumors of limb bones using the biological hydroxiapatite ceramics alloyed with microelements

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.21 - Травматологія та ортопедія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 11.600.04

Donetsk National Medical University


Reparative bone regeneration dynamics while filling the bone defects with biologi-cal osteoapatite alloyed with microelements - copper and selenium has been surveyed. De-spite of the different mechanisms of influence on reparative regeneration processes of im-plant alloying with copper or Se, the final result in both cases is positive. The most optimal (the most effective) is the concentration 0,50% of copper and 0,30% of Se in the implant. Complex treatment of the patients with tumor-like diseases and benign tumors of the limb bones has been developed, using the implant alloyed with microelements - cop-per and Se in the indicated concentration for the filling of the appeared bone defects of os-teoapatite which provided getting good functional results in 81,8% - 87,5% of patients.




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