The object of the research is a process of transformation of informative harmonic signals in the computer and informative-measuring systems of treatment of information; the purpose of the research is to improve the efficiency of informative devices of the computer and informative-measuring systems by development of theory and methods of their construction on the basis of the one-chip multiparameter generalized transformers of immittance; research methods are based on the generals of theory of matrices, theory of conformal reflection and functions with complex variables, theories of physical and equivalence models, theory of stability, theory of boolean algebra; theoretical results - the theory and methods of construction of informative devices is developed on the basis of the one-chip multiparameter generalized transformers of immittance, which have high functional and operating descriptions: the mathematical models of the multiparameter generalized transformers of immittance is developed, their cascade connection, multielectrode semiconductor structures, conception and immittance informative base is offered of construction of logical elements and the theory of construction is developed on his basis of immittance and optoimmittance of logical charts, the methods of measuring of coefficient of stability got development, parameters of physical model and also non-standard parameters them immittance matrices, methods of synthesis of dynamic negatrons, radiofrequency sensors; practical results - a methodological base is built for development and introduction of effective algorithms and informative devices of the different functional setting, which have high noise immunity, sensitiveness, frequency electoralness, fast-acting, management steepness and wide range of frequencies: effective decisions are exposed, the estimate of errors of transformation is conducted and optimization of parameters is carried out; high-efficiency analog and digital elements and informative devices are developed. The degree of implementation - the results of the thesis introduced in enterprises: Konstantinovskom state scientific-production enterprise of "Kvarsit" (Konstantinovka, Donetsk region), LTD of NVP "Grempis" (Vinnytsia), GP "Vinnitsyatranspribor" (Vinnytsia), state research institute of indicator devices "Helium" (Vinnytsia), State of emergency "Business of Print Service" (Vinnytsia), Center of primary network DPM of "Ukrtelekom" (Vinnytsia), LTD scientific and technical center "ELTES" (Zhitomir), Production Enterprise "Promavtomatika" (Azerbaijan, Baku). Sector (industry) use is the high-efficiency computer and informative-measuring systems with the harmonic signals.