Golovko T. Scientific substantiation of technologies for revitalizing products enriched with essential micronutrients

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 05.18.16 - Технологія продуктів харчування


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.088.01


The dissertation is devoted to theoretical and experimental substantiation of technologies for dietary supplements as a source of enriching foodstuffs and dishes with essential minerals. The production of the developed dietary supplements allows us to adjust mineral metabolism of average citizens, to create background for the manufactue of a wide range of competitive products with high physiological potential. Based on the results of theoretical and experimental research, scientific concept of the research is formulated and proved. It claims that the use in food technology of food raw materials, dietary supplements of iodine and selenium-protein, and based on chelate complexes will permit to provide the target intake of essential minerals to the body for the correction or stabilization of protein-mineral state of a human. Based on the metabolism analysis of essential mineral compounds in a human body, the scheme of their metabolism kinetics is developed. The conditions and ways that promote absorption of these substances in the process of metabolism by the human body are determined. These schemes are designed with the account of synergism and antagonism of chemical elements during digestion. The attention is focused on the ways of transporting, depositing and removing elements from the human body. Effective forms of compounds for the digestion by the body and homeostasis provision are scientifically substantiated. There are scientifically substantiated and suggested rational ways to solve the problem of eliminating deficiency of essential minerals.

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