Demianchuk Y. Administrative and legal principles of preventing and countering corruption in the civil service system of Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 12.00.07 - Адміністративне право і процес; фінансове право; інформаційне право


Specialized Academic Board

Д 27.855.02

University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine


The present thesis is one of the first research papers in the Ukrainian legal science, in which the scientific problem of forming doctrinal foundations of preventing and countering corruption in the civil service system of Ukraine has been solved. The paper presents the author’s definition of corruption and highlights the signs thereof in the sphere of civil service. The historical stages of the genesis of preventing and countering corruption in the civil service system of Ukraine are highlighted, in accordance with the two historical periods of the development of the state. It has been proved that a comprehensive justification for preventing and countering corruption in the civil service system of Ukraine requires the separation of a complex branch of law, viz. «anti-corruption law», and a structure of that branch has been proposed. Emphasis is laid on the fact that the information support for the organization of preventing and countering corruption in the civil service system of Ukraine consists of the legal and regulatory framework, control / information software, standardized documents (declarations), and the placement of unclassified information resources. The purpose of such a type of information support is the systematization of available resources, the unification of existing information resources, the speed of information processing, the standardization of information data, the protection against unauthorized access, the simplification and systematic character of control, the flexibility and quick response when receiving information, the reduction of the number of errors and misunderstandings in existing databases. In the current thesis paper, a strategic model of preventing and countering corruption in the civil service system of Ukraine has been developed.


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