Vitiuk D. Criminological principles of implementation of international crime prevention mechanisms

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

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In the dissertation, it is determined that the emergence of crime outside the borders of one country actualizes the issue of combining the efforts of states through international cooperation in the direction of countering and preventing transnational crime. Such joint activity of states is necessary for the exchange of information, coordination of measures, joint investigation of criminal offenses. The countries of the world must realize that none of them can independently deal with transnational crime due to the complexity and complexity of this phenomenon. Only through interaction, sharing of experience and joint efforts can governments ensure an effective fight against this threat. Attention is focused on the fact that today the main reason for the deepening of international cooperation of Ukraine is the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. Mass murders, looting, the use of various types of violence, violations of the customs of war by the Russian military require the immediate creation of an effective mechanism to prevent these types of criminal offenses. On its own, Ukraine is unable to bring the perpetrators to justice, in this case international crime prevention mechanisms must be applied. Based on the study of doctrinal sources and taking into account the modern determinants of crime, a project of the Law of Ukraine "On the Principles of Crime Prevention" was developed and proposed to be adopted, which should define the main directions of the state's activities to prevent, stop and prevent crime at various levels, in particular, in conditions of martial law. It also proposes to define complex prevention measures, as well as orient specially authorized bodies to this area. The author's definition of the concept of "international crime prevention mechanism" is presented, under which it is proposed to understand a complex of institutional, contractual-legal, organizational, information-technical, political and other tools aimed at the prevention of crime, the fight against all its manifestations and the determination of the procedure for dealing with persons , who committed socially dangerous acts, which is manifested by the specific activity of states, international organizations and other participants in international relations in this direction. The theoretical and methodological concept of the introduction of international crime prevention mechanisms in Ukraine is presented, which consists in the criminalization and decriminalization of criminal law norms; determination of tactics and strategy in criminal procedural and operational investigative activities; conclusion of relevant international pacts, agreements, contracts, etc.; activities of international courts; strengthening international assistance in the prevention, prevention and cessation of criminal offenses: international cooperation includes the provision of material, technical, scientific, educational and practical assistance to states in the development of their criminal justice, police forces, judicial system, crime prevention programs and other measures. A historical periodization of the formation of international crime prevention mechanisms is proposed, which is conditionally divided into the following periods: 1) 4th millennium BC. - V century not. – formation of the first legal norms regarding the implementation of separate mechanisms for the prevention of crime at the international level; 2) V - XVI centuries. - improvement of the institution of extradition of a person who has committed a criminal offense (extradition) as the most effective and most developed crime prevention mechanism, development of norms regarding the prohibition of piracy; 3) XVI century. - XIX century – formation of new doctrines and legal acts aimed at regulation of international relations and definition of new mechanisms of crime prevention at the international level; 4) the end of the 19th century. - the beginning of the XXI century. – the first attempts to unify and codify norms of international law (Nuremberg Tribunal and Tokyo Tribunal); creation of new international organizations and their fruitful work on the development of crime prevention mechanisms; 5) XXI century. - to date - the development and implementation of new crime prevention mechanisms related to the widespread use of information and communication technologies for the commission of criminal offenses, the legalization of income obtained by criminally illegal means, in particular with the help of transactions with cryptocurrency, armed aggression of the Russian Federation, which had consequences for all countries of the world.

Research papers

Вітюк Д. Л. Міжнародні механізми запобігання злочинності : монографія. Луцьк : Вежа-Друк, 2023. 308 с.

Вітюк Д. Л. Міжнародний механізм запобігання злочинності в умовах глобалізації електронних комунікацій. Юридична наука. 2019. № 5(95). С. 46–51. URL :

Вітюк Д. Л. До характеристики універсальних міжнародних механізмів запобігання транснаціональної організованої злочинності. Юридична наука. 2019. № 6(96), том 2. С. 38–43. URL : view/31/52

Вітюк Д. Л. Міжнародне співробітництво у сфері запобігання бандитизму. Юридична наука. 2019. № 11(101), том 2. С. 199–207. URL : https://journal-nam.

Вітюк Д. Л. Деякі аспекти запобігання насильницькій злочинності неповнолітніх. Юридична наука. 2019. № 12(102), том 2. С. 229–234. URL :

Вітюк Д. Л. Міжнародно-правовий механізм запобігання політичній злочинності. Юридична наука. 2019. № 9(111). С. 20–26. URL : https://journal-nam.

Вітюк Д. Л. Міжнародна співпраця у сфері запобігання злочинності на сучасному етапі. Юридична наука. 2020. № 10(112). С. 100–107. URL :

Вітюк Д. Л. Розвиток міжнародного співробітництва по запобіганню організованій злочинності. Юридична наука. 2020. № 11 (113). С. 11–17. URL :

Вітюк Д. Л. Інституційний механізм запобігання кримінальним правопорушенням міжнародного характеру. Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. 2021. Випуск 5, том 3. С. 36–40. URL : vip/2021/5/part_3/6.pdf

Вітюк Д. Л. Складові елементи механізму запобігання злочинності в Україні. Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. 2021. Випуск 6, том 2. С. 47–51. URL :

Вітюк Д. Л. Громадськість у міжнародному механізмі запобігання злочинності. Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. 2021. Випуск 2, том 2. С. 100–104. URL :

Вітюк Д. Л., Забарний М. М. Щодо соціально-правового розуміння кримінологічного аналізу злочинності. Ірпінський юридичний часопис. 2022. Випуск 1(8). С. 160–166. URL :

Vitiuk D. L., Zadereiko S. Yu. Anti-Corruption in Foreign Countries: the Genesis of Legislative Development. Соціологія права. 2022. Випуск 1–2 (40–41). С. 19–22. URL :

Вітюк Д. Л., Забарний М. М. Історико-правові особливості кримінологічного аналізу запобігання корупції в Україні. Ірпінський юридичний часопис. 2023. Випуск 1(10). С. 124–134. URL :

Vitiuk D. Characteristics of International Crime Prevention Mechanisms Under the Conditions of Marital State in Ukraine. Ірпінський юридичний часопис. 2023. Випуск 2(11). С. 90–96. URL :

Ensuring the Rights of the Person When Notifying of Suspicion or Detention on Suspicion of Committing a Criminal Offense / Vitiuk D., Yednak V., Krut K., Grokholskyi V. Amazonia Investiga. 2020. № 9 (25). С. 423–428. URL : (Web of Science).

Prevention of Military Crimes in Foreign Countries: History, Realities, Perspectives / Vitiuk D., Topchii V., Borodiy I., Bilko T., Bilko O. Pakistan Journal of Criminology. 2022. Volume 14, Issue 3. С. 19–35. URL : http://www.pjcriminology. com/publications/prevention-of-military-crimes-in-foreign-countries-history-realities-perspectives/ (Scopus).

Prevention of corruption offenses by public officials: Experience from European Union countries: Prevención de delitos de corrupción por parte de funcionarios: Experiencia de países de la Unión Europea / Vitiuk D., Petkov S., Bortniak V., Savranchuk L., Turchyn-Kukarina I. Cuestiones Políticas. 2023. № 41(77). С. 352–368. URL : (Web of Science).

Dariya Vitiuk, Maxim Zabarny. Historical Analysis and Legal Features of Corruption Prevention in Ukraine. Journal of International Legal Communication. 2022. Vol. 5, № 2. С. 85–94. URL : uploads/2022/09/JILC-2022-5-2-085-094-Zabarny.pdf

Вітюк Д. До поняття механізму запобігання злочинності. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences. 2022. № 2. С. 30–35. URL : index.php/bjlss/article/view/1836

Вітюк Д. Л. Генезис міжнародного правового співробітництва держав у запобіганні злочинності. Knowledge, Education, Law, Manegement. 2022. № 3(47). С. 176–182. URL :

Vitiuk D. Normative and Legal Regulation of the Interaction of States in the Prevention of Crime in the International Dimension. Knowledge, Education, Law, Manegement. 2022. № 4 (48), 296–302. URL : jornal/74


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