1. Vorona, I.P., Shanina, B.D., Dzhagan, V.M., Rudko, G.Yu., Nosenko, V.V., Raievska, O.Ye., Stroyuk, O.L. (2022). Size-dependent effects in optically detected magnetic resonance spectra of CdS nanocrystals. J. Phys. Chem. C // A, 126(36), 15465–15471. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c04144
2. Bacherikov, Yu.Yu., Vorona, I.P., Gilchuk, A.V., Goroneskul, V.Yu., Zhuk, A.G., Kladko, V.P., Nosenko, V.V., Okhrimenko, O.B., Ponomarenko, V.V., Polishchuk, Yu.O. (2022). Metamorphosis of the properties of the gas-phase fraction of ZnS:Mn obtained by the method of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis from the charge with a different Zn/S ratio. Journal of Luminescence // A, 251, 119184. doi: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2022.119184;
3. Markevich, I., Korsunska, N., Vorona, I., Nosenko, V., Kolomys, O., Strelchuk, V., Stara, T., Bondarenko, V., Melnichuk, O., Melnichuk, L. (2020). Mn distribution in ZnO:Mn ceramics: influence of sintering process and thermal annealing. ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. // A, 9, 103001. doi: 10.1149/2162-8777/abba06
4. Borkovska, L., Khomenkova, L., Vorona, I., Nosenko, V., Stara, T., Gudymenko, O., Kladko, V., Labbé, C., Cardin, J., Kryvko, A., Kryshtab, T. (2020). The role of excess MgO in the intensity increase of red emission of Mn4+-activated Mg2TiO4 phosphors. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics // A, 31, 7564. doi:10.1007/s10854-020-03143-x
5. Nosenko, V.V., Rudko, G.Yu., Yaremko, A.M., Yukhymchuk, V.O., Hreshchuk, O.M. (2018). Anharmonicity and Fermi resonance in the vibrational spectra of a CO2 molecule and CO2 molecular crystal: similarity and distinctions. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy// A, 49(3), 559-568. doi:10.1002/jrs.5297;
6. Nosenko, V., Vorona, I., Grachev, V., Ishchenko, S., Baran, N., Bacherikov, Yu., Zhuk, A., Polishchuk, Yu., Kladko, V., Selishchev, A. (2016). The Crystal Structure of Micro- and Nanopowders of ZnS Studied by EPR of Mn2+ and XRD. Nanoscale Research Letters // A, 11, 517(6 pages). doi: 10.1186/s11671-016-1739-4
7. Vorona, I.P., Nosenko, V.V., Baran, N.P., Ishchenko, S.S., Lemishko, S.V., Zatovsky, I.V., Strutynska, N.Yu. (2016). EPR study of radiation-induced defects in carbonate-containing hydroxyapatite annealed at high temperature. Radiation Measurements // A, 87, 49-55. doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2016.02.020
8. Nosenko, V.V., Yaremko, A.M., Dzhagan, V.M., Vorona, I.P., Romanyuk, Yu.A., Zatovsky, I.V. (2016). Nature of some features in Raman spectra of hydroxyapatite-containing materials. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy // A, 47, 726–730. doi: 10.1002/jrs.4883
9. Nosenko, V., Strutynska, N., Vorona, I., Zatovsky, I., Dzhagan, V., Lemishko, S., Epple, M., Prymak, O., Baran, N., Ishchenko, S., Slobodyanik, N., Prylutskyy, Yu., Klyui, N., Temchenko, V. (2015). Structure of Biocompatible Coatings Produced from Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles by Detonation Spraying. Nanoscale Research Letters // A, 10, 464(7 pages). doi: 10.1186/s11671-015-1160-4
10. Nosenko, V.V., Vorona, I.P., Baran, N.P., Ishchenko, S.S., Vysotskyi, B.V., Krakhmalnaya, T.V., Semenov, Yu.A. (2015). Comparative EPR study CO2- radicals in modern and fossil tooth enamel, Radiation Measurements // A, 78, 53-57. doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2014.09.004
11. Nosenko, V., Rudko, G., Fediv, V., Savchuk, A., Gule, E., Vorona, I. (2014). Retardation of nanoparticles growth by doping. Nanoscale Research Letters // A, 9, 683 (5 pages). doi: 10.1186/1556-276X-9-683
12. Nosenko, V.V., Vorona, I.P., Ishchenko, S.S., Baran, N.P., Zatovsky, I.V., Gorodilova, N.A., Povarchuk, V.Yu. (2012). Effect of pre-annealing on NO32− centers in synthetic hydroxyapatite. Radiation Measurements // A, 47, 970-973. doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2012.08.008
13. Ishchenko, S.S., Vorona, I.P., Okulov, S.M., Baran, N.P., Rudko, V.V. (2011). ENDOR study of CO2− radicals in hydroxyapatite of γ-irradiated bone. Radiation Measurements // A, 46, 37-39. doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2010.07.025
14. Vorona, I., Nosenko, V., Okulov, S., Savchenko, D., Petrenko, T., Stara, T., Labbé, C., Borkovska, L. (2022). EPR Study of the Mn-Doped Magnesium Titanate Ceramics. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology // A, 11, 013005. doi: 10.1149/2162-8777/ac4a80
15. Vorona, I.P., Ishchenko, S.S., Okulov, S.M., Nosenko, V.V. (2020). Some features of Mn2+ EPR spectra in cubic nano-ZnS. Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics // A, 23, 60-65. doi: 10.15407/spqeo23.01.060
16. Vorona, I.P., Ishchenko, S.S., Grachev, V.G., Baran, N.P., Okulov, S.M., Nosenko, V.V., Selishchev, A.V. (2019). EPR of Mn2+ in Nano-Sized Zinc Sulfide with Planar Lattice Defect. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy // A, 89, 146-150. doi: 10.1007/s10812-019-00792-7
Vorona, I.P., Grachev, V.G., Ishchenko, S.S., Baran, N.P., Bacherikov, Yu.Yu., Zhuk, A.G., Nosenko, V.V. (2016). Crystal Structure Determination of Low-Dimensional ZnS Powders Using EPR of Mn2+ Ions. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy // A, 83, 51-55. doi: 10.1007/s10812-016-0241-1
18. Strutynska, N., Slobodyanik, N., Malyshenko, A., Zatovsky, I., Vorona, I., Prylutskyy, Yu., Prymak, O., Baran, N., Ishchenko, S., Nosenko, V. (2015). Synthesis, characterization and EPR investigation of γ-induced defects for nanoparticals of (MI, CO3)-containing (MI – Na, K) apatites. Solid State Phenomena // A, 230, 133-139. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.230.133;
19. Vorona, I.P., Ishchenko, S.S., Baran, N.P., Nosenko, V.V., Zatovsky, I.V., Malyshenko, A.I., Povarchuk, V.Yu. (2013). Radiation-induced defects in annealed carbonate-containing hydroxyapatite. Physics of the Solid State// A, 55, 2543-2548. doi: 10.1134/S1063783413120329
20. Baran, N.P., Vorona, I.P., Ishchenko, S.S., Nosenko, V.V., Zatovsky, I.V., Gorodilova, N.A., Povarchuk, V.Yu. (2011). NO32 and СО2 centers in synthetic hydroxyapatite: Features of the formation under γ- and UV-irradiation. Physics of the Solid State // A, 53, 1891-1894. doi: 10.1134/S106378341109006X
21. Vorona, I.P., Ishchenko, S.S., Baran, N.P., Rudko, V.V., Zatovsky, I.V., Gorodilova, N.A., Povarchuk, V.Yu. (2010). NO32− centers in synthetic hydroxyapatite. Physics of the Solid State // A, 52, 2364-2368. doi: 10.1134/S1063783410110235
22. Nosenko, V., Korsunska, N., Vorona, I., Stara, T., Bondarenko, V., Melnichuk, O., Melnichuk, L., Kryvko, A., Markevich, I. (2020). The mechanism of formation of interface barriers in ZnO:Mn ceramics. SN Applied Sciences // A, 2, 979. doi: 10.1007/s42452-020-2754-8;
23. Strutynska, N., Slobodyanik, N., Malyshenko, A., Zatovsky, I., Vorona, I., Epple, M., Prymak, O., Baran, N., Ishchenko, S., Nosenko, V. (2014). Synthesis, characterization and EPR investigation of γ-induced defects for nanoparticals of (MI, CO3)-containing (MI – Na, K) apatites. International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering - Fabrication, Properties and Applications, OMEE 2014 - Book of Conference Proceedings // A, 75–76. doi: 10.1109/OMEE.2014.6912346
24. Rudko, G.Yu., Fediv, V.I., Savchuk, А.I., Gule, E.G., Vorona, I.P., Nosenko, V.V. Nucleation and growth kinetics of colloidal nanoparticles CdS:Mn in aqueous solution of polyvinyl alcohol. (2014). Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics // Б, 17, 222-226;
25. Затовський, І.В., Ворона, І.П., Малишенко, А.І., Слободяник, М.С., Іщенко, С.С., Баран, М.П., Носенко, В.В. (2013). γ- й УФ-індуковні парамагнітні центри у відпаленому синтетичному гідроксіапатиті. Доповiдi Нацiональної академiї наук України // Б, 6, 127-132.