Slutska T. Clinical and neuroimmunic features of the recurrent bronchitis course in children with vertebrobasilar arterial system syndrome

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 228 - Педіатрія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 17.613.004

State Institution “Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education Ministry of Health of Ukraine”


The purpose of the dissertation was to increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation and prophylactic measures in children with recurrent bronchitis (RB) and accompanying vertebrobasilar arterial system syndrome (VASS), based on the development of an algorithm for early diagnosis and medication correction of neurogenic regulation of the bronchial mucosa secretor-evacuatory and immune functions. The work is based on own observations, clinical, instrumental, laboratory methods of research, as well as the results of treatment of patients with RB and VASS. The direct and long-term results of treatment were evaluated.


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