Maiboroda H. Brand management of bakery enterprises in marketing orientation

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 075 - Управління та адміністрування. Маркетинг


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 18.819.003

Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University


The concept of a brand is enhanced as a marketing tool used at all stages of the product life cycle and included the main components of the marketing mix to create a set of characteristic emotions and associations that arise in the consumer's mind when he is buying, and supplying a product. The classification of brands is substantiated as a marketing instrument, focusing on the consumer and his needs. The definition of brand management is formed as an effective management system for the protection of intellectual property and operation of the brand with a help of a set of interconnected marketing elements to develop long-term competitive advantages. The relationship between brand management and basic marketing concepts has been studied. In this regard, the expediency of using brand development strategies by enterprises in the industry and the relevance of forming a brand management which involves not only the development of the visual component of the brand, but also marketing research of the bread and bakery market. The methods of brand value assessment are considered. It is proposed to use it in the context of three approaches such as financial (use of quantitative indicators), marketing (use of qualitative indicators), and combined (set of quantitative and qualitative indicators). The current state of development of enterprises represented on the local market of bread and bakery products is considered. It is determined that to increase market share and increase the turnover capacity of bakery products, it is necessary to create and develop a strong brand. According to the study of marketing factors that influence the development of brand management of the industry, it is determined that at the macro-level economic, socio-cultural, and scientific-technological factors affect significantly. At the micro-level, consumer factors, competitors, and contact audiences influence essentially. According to results, formed alternative ways of brand management development strategy at the bakery enterprises. According to the results of the study of the competitive environment of bakery enterprises in terms of marketing orientation, taking into account the indicators of brand evaluation, it is determined that local enterprises occupy average positions in terms of brand development. They have high rates of brand commitment and recognition, but in terms of quality are inferior to regional manufacturers. According to the results of the survey, the loyalty and commitment of consumers to brands in the market of bread and bakery products was assessed. The developed model of the consumer behavior of bakery products is based on the study of gender characteristics and estimation of factors of commitment to a brand of bakery products. The customer journey of bakery products goes from awareness of the need to the actual purchase to visualize the intersection of the consumer with the brand. A developed method “QASVC” of valuing the brand of bakery products takes into account the specifics of the bakery industry and evaluates the brand using behavioral metrics. It was identified during a consumer survey of the market for bread and bakery products. The value of the brand is calculated as the product of return on intangible assets and the coefficient of evaluation of behavioral metrics (included perceived quality, fame, features, visual components, commitment). The proposed brand development strategy of the bakeries increases the total brand cost, profitability, and competitiveness. The main directions of the strategy are formed in accordance with the behavioral metrics of the brand. It is proposed to evaluate the expected results based on monitoring quantitative efficiency criteria. The probable risks that may arise and methods of overcoming them are considered. A calendar plan for the implementation of the strategy stages has been developed and designed for one year.


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