Ivanyshyn O. Productivity of different-ripening hybrids of maize depending on the fertilizer system in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 201 - Аграрні науки та продовольство. Агрономія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 67.379.008

Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


Object of study – hybrids of corn of early and middle-ripe group, doses of macro- and microfertilizers. The aim is to improve agro-technical measures of technology of cultivation of various-maturing hybrids of corn in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe. Methods - general scientific methods - hypothesis, experiment, observation, analysis. Special - laboratory (study of biometric and photosynthetic indicators, accounting for yields from experimental plots, weight of 1000 grains, protein and starch content in corn grain), vegetation-field, field (field experiment (experiment)), comparative calculation (determination of economic efficiency); statistical (assessment of the reliability of the obtained experimental data, determination of correlations). Results - the technology of growing medium-early and medium-ripe corn hybrids based on the use of different doses of mineral fertilizers and microfertilizers was improved, which provided an increase in productivity and grain quality indicators. Improved technology for growing corn hybrids has been implemented in the following farms: FE "FED-FERM" Ternopil region Borshchiv district Tsyhany village on an area of 45 hectares, AFE "Kozachchyna" Ternopil region Borshchiv district Lanivtsi vil. on the area of 50 hectares and “Agro-Slava” LLC of Khmelnytsky region of Kamyanets-Podilsky district of Khodorivtsi village on an area of 30 hectares. Novelty - for the first time changes in the growth and development of corn plants of different maturity groups depending on the norms of mineral fertilizers and microfertilizers have been established; the peculiarities of the formation of the photosynthetic apparatus of corn plants depending on the elements of cultivation technology have been studied; the parameters of linear growth of maize plants depending on the organized factors are described; the dynamics of accumulation of dry aboveground mass of plants in the context of options is established; the formation of yield and quality of plant raw materials depending on the influence of intensification factors is substantiated; bioenergy and economic evaluation of the technology of growing the studied maize hybrids was carried out. The scientific value - improved elements of technology for growing maize hybrids of medium-early and medium-ripe groups of maturity. Scientific provisions on the formation of high-quality corn grain of different maturity groups in specific soil and climatic conditions have been further developed. Sector – agriculture.


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