Horbatiuk S. Cybersecurity problems and model method of distributed systems development in international logistics

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 123 - Комп’ютерна інженерія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.194.003

V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


The general problem of the research is to check the security properties of distributed systems used to solve problems in international logistics systems, using model checking and algebraic approach with insertion modeling. Another urgent problem is the task of detecting and counteracting cases of fraud, special attention is paid to this problem at the stage of development of highly reliable systems using a model method of developing logistics systems. The goal of the work is to solve the scientific and applied problem of creating a technology model of development for highly reliable distributed systems, in particular for logistics systems. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following interrelated problems: – to analyze the existing models, methods and technological means that allow to create tools and methodology for the use of distributed systems, in particular blockchain technology in logistics systems; – to analyze security properties and possible attacks in logistics systems; – to determine the theoretical foundations of the basic concepts of insertion modeling for logistics agents in a particular operating environment; – to offer architectural and structural solutions, algorithms and software and hardware for the formation and display of the interaction of logistics agents and continuous control over their location and behavior in order to ensure the safety of operation; – to propose solutions, cybersecurity methods and verification algorithms to verify the properties of integrated logistics systems, such as security and life; - to determine the use of algebraic and insertional approach at the stages of the model method of development for verification, testing procedures; - to consider methods of security in logistics systems, protection against attackers and fraud and methods of vulnerability analysis; - to consider methods of security analysis in systems based on blockchain platforms based on the insertion approach; - to build an example of model development of a logistics system. The first section of the dissertation is devoted to identifying and studying global problems that have accumulated in the modern system of international logistics, and which can be solved using blockchain technology and methods of model development. Examples on the directions of progressive ways of using distributed systems and smart contracts based on them in international logistics by advanced logistics operators, research and government agencies are analyzed. The methodology of designing logistics systems is considered, taking into account the need to comply with the properties of security and reliability to combat fraud and attacks by attackers. When developing highly reliable systems critical to security, it is advisable to use a model method of development, so the procedure for validation and verification of artifacts at all stages of development of such systems is analyzed. The second section reveals the basics of using the algebraic approach and insertion modeling in formal verification and formalization through model-based testing. An example of application in practice of algebra of behaviors on an example of the operating closed logistic system of a farm is given, examples of record of models of behavior of agents are resulted. The main safety properties tested in the logistics system of the farm are considered. The example of application in farming has been extended to a wider application in the open system of international logistics. The third section analyzes security issues in the design of logistics blockchain platform. The insertion semantics of a blockchain system are described and in Smart Contracts, the actions of attackers in these systems are modeled, DAO attacks for smart contracts are formalized. The principles of actions for prevention of attacks at designing of blockchain systems are offered. The fourth section describes two examples of using the model development method: an example of building a logistics system for a farm that uses modeling at the level of requirements models and the second - an example of formalization requirements and further development for the logistics system. and accompanies the functioning of the supply chain. The scheme of document circulation in multimodal international transportation is considered, the use of a model method of contract development for monomodal transportation on a blockchain platform is proposed in order to minimize risks for participants and prevent fraud. The approaches to the construction of logistics systems described in the dissertation research are universal and can be used, subject to adaptation, to logistics systems of any complexity and scale, both for closed and open systems of national and international level.

Research papers

Летичевський О.О., Горбатюк С.О. Децентралізовані системи в логістиці: огляд використання та проблеми безпеки. Проблеми програмування. 2020. №1. С. 55-73.

Летичевський О.О., Горбатюк С.О., Горбатюк В.О. Алгебраїчне моделювання в системах міжнародної та місцевої обслуговуючої логістики. Проблеми програмування. 2020. №4. С. 88-97.

Gorbatiuk V.O., Gorbatiuk S.O. Methods of detection of HTTP attacks on a smart home using the algebraic methods. Problems of Programming. 2022. № 3-4. С. 396-402.

Горбатюк В.О., Горбатюк С.О. Методи перевірки алгебраїчним співставленням спротиву HTTP-атакам на розумний будинок. Системи керування та комп'ютери. 2022. № 4. С. 13-23.

Горбатюк С.О. Блокчейн в логістиці та формальна верифікація властивостей безпеки. Ідеї академіка В.М. Глушкова і сучасні проблеми штучного інтелекту. 8-ма Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція: «Глушковські читання» (29 жовтня 2019, Київ). Київ, Видавничий дім Ліра-К, 2019. С. 57-60.

Васюхін М., Касім A., Долинний В., Касім M., Шелестовський В., Горбатюк С. Метод створення класифікатора картографічної інформації для агрономічних автоматизованих систем. Глобальні та регіональні проблеми інформатизації в суспільстві і природокористуванні ‘2017: збірник матеріалів V Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (22-23 червня 2017, Київ). К.: Компринт, 2017. С. 47-49.

Васюхін М.І., Касім А.М., Долинний В.В., Касім М.М., Шелестовський В.Г., Горбатюк С.О. Геоінформаційна система для малих і середніх фермерських господарств. Безпека життєдіяльності на транспорті і виробництві – освіта, наука, практика: тези доповідей ІV Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (14-16 вересня 2017, Херсон). Херсон: ХДМА, 2017. С. 324-330.

Васюхін М.І., Горбатюк С.О., Касім M.M., Шелестовський В.Г. Комп’ютерні системи. Навчальний посібник. К.: Компринт. 2017. 270 с.

Гусєв Б.С., Горбатюк С.О., Савицька Я.А., Смолій В.В., Шелестовський В.Г. Інформаційна технологія системи управління фермерським господарством. Монографія. НУБіП України. 2018. 220 с.

Oleksandr Letychevskyi, Serhii Horbatiuk, Viktor Horbatiuk. Algebraic modelling of logistical systems equipped by wireless monitoring devices. The 5th IEEE International Symposium on Smart and Wireless Systems within the International Conferences on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (17-18 September 2020, Dortmund, Germany).

Oleksandr Letychevskyi, Volodymyr Peschanenko, Maksym Poltoratskyi, Serhii Horbatiuk, Horbatiuk Viktor and Yuliia Tarasich. One Approach to Formal Verification of Distributed Ledger Technologies on the Blockchain Technologies Example. Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics: Proceedings MFOI-2020 (January 12-16, 2021). Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Pp. 227-242.

Oleksandr Letychevskyi, Volodymyr Peschanenko, Sergiy Horbatiuk. Consensus Protocol Security Analysis Using an Algebraic Virtual Machine. IntelITSIS’2022: 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies and Systems of Information Security (March 23-25, 2022). Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine. Pp. 484-493.

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