Kovalenko I. Justification of the elements of the technology of subsoil drip irrigation of seedling tomatoes

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 201 - Агрономія


Specialized Academic Board


Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamational of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation provides a scientific justification of the elements of the technology of subsoil drip irrigation of seedling tomatoes (Lycopérsicon) in the conditions of the Dry Steppe subzone of Ukraine, namely, the depth of laying irrigation pipelines (IP), methods of determining actual evapotranspiration, methods of irrigation management based on the water stress index and phytomonitoring system. The experimental part of the research was conducted during 2017-2021 at two locations in the subzones of the Sukhoi Steppe. The purpose of the study was a comprehensive scientific substantiation of the elements of the technology of subsoil drip irrigation of seedling tomatoes in the Dry Steppe zone of Ukraine. The object of the study was the elements of the technology of subsoil drip irrigation of tomato seedlings. The subject of the research was parameters of irrigation regimes, productivity and quality of seedling tomato fruits. Research methods – field agronomic experiments, laboratory and analytical research methods, as well as methods of mathematical statistics. According to the results of the dissertation research, for the first time, for the cultivation of organic seedling tomatoes on subsoil drip irrigation, the regularities of the formation of the water regime of the soil were established: the regime of irrigation, evapotranspiration, wetting zones and the efficiency of moisture consumption was determined, the evaluation was carried out and the use of calculation methods was scientifically justified (Penman-Monteith (FAO), Monteith, Budyko) to determine the actual ETc evapotranspiration, the water stress index (CWSI) and the phytomonitoring system for irrigation management, and established the patterns of growth processes (absolute (AGR) and relative (RGR) growth rate, net assimilation (NAR), leaf productivity apparatus (LAR), biometric parameters, yield and fruit quality depending on the depth of laying irrigation pipelines and plant protection systems. Practical recommendations for agricultural production on technologies of subsoil drip irrigation of seedling tomatoes, which ensure the realization of the genetic potential of hybrids with a productivity of more than 70 t/ha, have been developed. Scientifically based practical aspects of the elements of subsoil drip irrigation technology were implemented during 2022 and 2023 in the agrotechnological process of growing seedling tomatoes on the lands of PIVDENAGROPEREROBKA LLC (Odesa Region, Odesa District, Myrne Village) on an area of 60 hectares.

Research papers

1. I.O Kovalenko, O.V. Zhuravlov. Using the water stress index for tomato irrigation control. Меліорація і водне господарство: науковий журнал. Вип. 1 (117). Херсон : ОЛДІ-ПЛЮС, 2023. С. 51-59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31073/mivg202301-358

2. Коваленко І.О., Шатковський А.П. Водний режим і врожайність томатів за підґрунтового краплинного зрошення. Аграрні інновації. 2023. № 19, 62-66. https://doi.org/10.32848/agrar.innov.2023.19.10

3. Коваленко І.О., Журавльов О.В. Визначення фактичної евапотранспірації томатів розрахунковими методами. Вісник аграрної науки. 2023. Том 108. № 8 (845), С.54-62. https://doi.org/10.31073/agrovisnyk202308-07

4. Melnychuk, F., Marchenko, O., Shatkovskyi, A., Kovalenko, I. Features of protection of row crops under irrigation conditions. Scientific Horizons, 2020, 23(12), pp. 36–45. https://doi.org/10.48077/scihor.23(12).2020.36-45 (Scopus). https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85118192672&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f

5. Ромащенко М.І., Шатковський А.П., Журавльов О.В., Черевичний Ю.О. Коваленко І.О. Інноваційні технології вирощування овочевих і баштанних культур // Розвиток інтенсивних систем землеробства на зрошуваних землях України: науково-технічне забезпечення / за ред. професора, член.-кор. НААН Р.А. Вожегової. Херсон : «ОЛДІ-ПЛЮС». 2020. С. 94-163.

6. Шатковський А.П., Журавльов О.В., Коваленко І.О., Черевичний Ю.О., Овчатов І.М. Особливості водоспоживання та оптимізація режиму краплинного зрошення овочевих культур в умовах Степу України. Овочі та Фрукти. 2018. № 06 (103). С. 35-39.

7. Ретьман М.С., Марченко О.А., Мельничук Л.А., Коваленко І.О. Захист томатів на зрошенні. Плантатор. 2020. 2 (50).С. 40-42.


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