Perehin A. Improvement of the experimental and calculation method of estimating the fire resistance limit of load-bearing reinforced concrete walls

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 261 - Пожежна безпека

Specialized Academic Board


Cherkasy Fire Safety Institute named after Heroes of Chernobyl, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine


The idea of the work is to improve the experimental and calculation method of assessing the fire resistance limit of load-bearing reinforced concrete walls to guarantee the normative time of their resistance in case of fire based on fire tests of their small-sized fragments without load, by taking into account the features of one-sided heating of the walls and substantiating the rational placement of points for temperature measurements inside the fragments, as well as taking into account the real dimensions of the structure at the calculation stage. The scientific novelty of the dissertation consists in solving the actual scientific and technical task of increasing the effectiveness of the process of assessing the fire resistance limit of load-bearing reinforced concrete walls through scientific substantiation and the further development of improvements for the experimental and calculation method of its determination, taking into account the characteristics of the materials used during experiments and mechanical load during the calculation process. The following main scientific results were obtained: At the same time, for the first time: - the ways for improvement of the experimental and calculation method of evaluating the fire resistance of full-scale structures of load-bearing walls based on the test of their fragments under the standard fire temperature regime without applying a load are proposed, which made it possible to determine the dimensions of the samples and the methods of installing them in the furnace chamber depending on the dimensions of the installation; - the minimum possible configuration parameters of the furnace chamber and possible deviations in its dimensions, which do not affect the reproducibility of the results of experimental studies on the heating of load-bearing walls are scientifically substantiated; - the possibility of minimizing the number of temperature control points during point measurements along the cross-section of a reinforced concrete wall and their rational location (on the non-heating side, armature and the middle of the cross-section of the studied fragment) is substantiated, which made it possible to reduce the number of measuring equipment in experimental studies on wall heating by 30% due to increasing the reproducibility of experimental data. It has been improved: - an experimental-calculation method for assessing the fire resistance of load-bearing reinforced concrete walls, thanks to the increase in environmental friendliness and economy of research, as well as taking into account the real dimensions of load-bearing wall structures; - computational interpolation algorithms for restoring temperature fields in load-bearing reinforced concrete walls based on temperature indicators in specified places, in the middle of structures during fire tests, are substantiated, which makes it possible to propose a more effective scheme for the location of thermocouples in cross-sections of fragments of load-bearing reinforced concrete walls. The application of experimental and computational methods for determining the real temperature distributions and strength of load-bearing wall materials during the assessment of their fire resistance limit has been further developed.

Research papers

Перегін А. В., Нуянзін О. М., Кришталь М. А., Заїка П. І. Комп’ютерне моделювання процесу тепломасообміну у камерах вогневих печей установок для випробувань на вогнестійкість будівельних конструкцій. Надзвичайні ситуації: попередження та ліквідація. Черкаси, 2020. № 4(1). С. 71-79. DOI: https:// 71 – 79.

Перегін А. В., Нуянзін О.М. Етапи створення прототипу вогневої установки для визначення температурних розподілів малогабаритних фрагментів залізобетонних конструкцій. Надзвичайні ситуації: попередження та ліквідація. Черкаси, 2021. № 5(2). С. 75-82. DOI:

Перегін А. В. Дослідження впливу конфігурації та параметрів вогневих печей на умови нагрівання несучих стін за стандартним температурним режимом пожежі. Надзвичайні ситуації: попередження та ліквідація . Черкаси, 2022. № 6 (1). С. 85-94. DOI:

Перегін А. В. Удосконалення методики розрахункової оцінки межі вогнестійкості несучої залізобетонної стіни на основі результатів вогневих експериментів. Надзвичайні ситуації: попередження та ліквідація . Черкаси, 2023, № 7 (1). С. 89-97. DOI:

Nuianzin O., Tyshchenko O., Zhartovskyi S., Zaika P., Peregin A. The research of carrying capacity of reinforced concrete walls under uneven warming. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. – IOP Publishing, 2019. Т. 708. №. 1. С. 012063. Режим доступу:

Perehin A., Nuianzin O., Borysova A., Nuianzin V. Results of Experimental Investigations of Reinforced Concrete Wall Elements According to the Standard Temperature Mode of Fire. Materials Science Forum: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2022. Vol. 1066. pp. 206-215. Режим доступу:

Perehin A., Nuianzin O., Shnal T., Shchipets S., Myroshnyk O. Improvement of means for assessing fire resistance of fragments of reinforced concrete structures. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2684, No. 1). AIP Publishing, 2023. Режим доступу:

Perehin A., Nuianzin O., Zaika N., Vedula S. (2021). Technique for creating the prototype of a compact fire plant for tests to determine the fire resistance of reinforced concrete structures. The Scientific Heritage. Hungary, 2021. № 78 (1). С. 37-43. DOI: 10.24412/9215-0365-2021-78-1-37-43.

Perehin A., Nuianzin O., Kryshtal D., Kryshtal M. Аналіз результатів прогрівання малогабаритного фрагмента залізобетонної стіни під час експериментальних досліджень. Civil security: Public administration and crisis management, Київ, 2022. № 1. С. 19-36.

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