Midyk A. Subsystems of temperature control of cyber-physical systems

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 152 - Автоматизація та приладобудування. Метрологія та інформаційно-вимірювальна техніка


Specialized Academic Board

ID 262

Lviv Polytechnic National University


The dissertation is devoted to research and further development of cyber-physical systems, namely their temperature subsystems, for the needs of agriculture and its processing industry. In the first chapter, the areas of application of cyber-physical systems are given, their features are considered, and the capabilities of the systems are analyzed, based on the given task. For this, taking into account the novelty of the field of research, the history of its emergence in the context of the further development of information and measurement systems, the theory of automatic control and other fields based on cyber-physical systems were studied. The modern definition of the mentioned systems is given, established in a collective monograph published with the participation of the dissertation. The main research bias concerns cyber-physical systems developing in the agricultural sector. Objects for which the approaches of creation, development and implementation of cyber-physical systems can be most effectively applied have been studied. In the second chapter, a number of methods of measuring and controlling the temperature of technological processes are studied, and attention is focused on the needs of further development of agricultural technologies, which include both cultivation and processing of agricultural products. These include methods of direct or immediate temperature measurement and methods of non-contact measurement or pyrometric methods. The expediency of using energy pyrometry or total radiation pyrometry is shown. All the listed and investigated temperature measurement methods are sufficiently automated and are provided for the formation of temperature subsystems of cyber-physical systems. A method of optimizing the regulation of the object of agricultural technology was developed, taking as a basis the regulation of temperature regimes, and on the condition of involving contact methods of thermometry to regulate the air temperature and non-contact thermal imaging methods to regulate the temperature of the soil of the greenhouse, taking into account the temperature of water for moistening and the results of direct solar radiation. In connection with the spread of software and technical tools, the approaches of digital automatic control, clearly expressed in cyber-physical systems, were developed in the dissertation work. Thus, we arrived at a methodology for optimizing the operation of the temperature subsystem of the cyber-physical greenhouse control system, the main model of which includes interconnected control loops for air, soil and water for humidification. Communication is implemented both through software and technical control tools and through the parameters of the controlled object. In the third chapter, cyber-physical systems for agricultural production were further developed: in order of complexity, they include a cyber-physical system for temperature and humidity control of a greenhouse, a cyber-physical system for growing vegetables with regulation of the heat-humidity-insolation regime, a cyber-physical system for processing agricultural products, This approach made it possible to develop a methodology for optimizing the regulation of the object of agricultural technology, taking as a basis the regulation of temperature regimes, and in combination with regimes of humidification (temperature regime of water for hydration) and regimes of insolation. Management schemes have been developed based on input and output factors, models of their relationships: direct and inverse, and their correlation with the simultaneous assessment of the quality of the received products. In the fourth chapter, the metrological aspects of the automation of the production of agricultural products are studied. The means of regulating work modes and managing the work of the agricultural facility were implemented in 3 fundamentally different versions. In general, for all three versions, it is shown that in production conditions, with minimal costs, it is possible to ensure high-quality products with minimal costs. In addition, the ecological and economic aspects of the construction and use of the greenhouse as a passive structure were studied. At the same time, since the management of the greenhouse was simultaneously implemented in 3 interconnected circuits - air, water and soil, the specified aspects were studied, because the overall efficiency of agricultural production and its competitiveness compared to the southern regions is also determined by the energy costs per unit of production.

Research papers

Ван Чунжі, Яцишин С.П., Лиса О.В., Мідик А.-В.В. Кіберфізичні системи та їх програмне забезпечення // Вимірювальна техніка та метрологія : міжвідомчий науково-технічний збірник. 2018. Вип.79 № 1. С. 34–38.

Яцишин С.П., Гамула П.Р., Мідик А.-В.В., Ван Чунжі Про похибку безконтактного вимірювання температури, зумовлену невідомим значенням коефіцієнта чорноти // Вимірювальна техніка та метрологія : міжвідомчий науково-технічний збірник. 2018. Вип. 79 № 4. С. 30–33.

Мідик А.-В.В., Лиса О.В. Дослідження точності визначення температурно-вологісних характеристик системи температурно-вологісного контролю теплиці // Вимірювальна техніка та метрологія : міжвідомчий науково-технічний збірник. 2020. Вип. 81 № 2. С.7–12.

Яцишин С.П., Мідик А.-В.В., Лиса О.В. Кіберфізична система для вирощування овочів з регулюванням тепловологісно-інсоляціійного режиму // Метрологія та прилади. 2020. №5 (85). С. 23–27.

Лиса О., Мідик А.-В. Оцінка якості сільсько-господарської продукції та вибір оптимального варіанту // Вісник ЛНАУ: Агроінженерні дослідження. 2013. № 17. С. 103–110.

Andrii-Volodymyr Midyk, Olga Lysa Analysis of the characteristics of the cyberphysical system for growing vegetables, // Proceedings of the 23nd International Conference on Information Technology for Practice «IT for Practice 2020», December 3, 2020, Ostrava, Czech Republic / Edited by J. Ministr, M. Tvrdikova. – Ostrava: HSB-TU,2020. – P. 95-102

Яцишин С.П., Мідик А.-В.В. Метрологічні аспекти системи контролю температурно-вологісного режиму теплиці. Управління якістю в освіті та промисловості: досвід, проблеми та перспективи: тези доповідей V Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, 20–21 травня 2021 року Львів: ЛА «Піраміда», 2021. – с.203-204.

Лиса О. В., Мідик А.-В. Економічні аспекти стартап-проекту «розумна теплиця». Проблеми обліково-аналітичного забезпечення управління підприємницькою діяльністю: ІІ Міжнародна науково-практична конференція присвячена 100-річчю Полтавської державної аграрної академії, 23 квітня 2020 р. Полтава: ПДАА. – 2020. С. 125-126.

Аndrii-Volodymyr Midyk, Victor Semerak et al, Chapter 4. Metrology 4.0 and Standardization for Agricultural Cyber-Physical Systems // Cyber-Physical Systems and Metrology 4.0: колективна монографія / International Frequency Sensor Association Publishing, 2021. P. 159–234.

Яцишин С., Бубела Т., Мидык А.-В., Лыса О. Устойчивое развитие кибер-физических систем для сельского хозяйства // Устойчиво развитие. 2021. Т. 2. С. 97–102.

Лиса О.В., Мідик А.-В. В. Кібер-фізична система теплиці з регулюванням тепло-вологісно-інсоляціійного режиму // Вчені Львівського національного аграрного університету виробництву: каталог інноваційних розробок / за заг. Ред. В.В.Снітинського, І.Б.Яціва. Вип. 20. Львів, Львів нац.аграр.ун-т, 2020.


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