Izhyk O. Development of methods for synthesis of nanosized polymer and polymer-inorganic brushes with special electrophysical and optical properties

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 105 - Прикладна фізика та наноматеріали


Specialized Academic Board

ID 3003

Lviv Polytechnic National University


The dissertation is devoted to the development and research of new approaches to the creation of devices with controlled electrophysical and optical properties based on supramolecular structures formed by functional polymer and polymer-inorganic brushes on the surface of ceramic substrates, nanoparticles, and nanofiber mats. New approaches are based on the immobilization and reactions of surface-active oligomers - precursors with side and/or terminal reactive peroxide, epoxy, carboxyl groups, in particular, oligoperoxide metal complexes, for chemisorption activation of the surface and covalent attachment of polymer chains to obtain multilayer polymer layers. The results of the dissertation provide detailed information on the patterns of chemisorption activation and radical and addition reactions from the surface for the construction of multilayer polymer and polymer-inorganic ensembles. Research establishes the dependence of the height, packing density of polymer brushes, surface topology on the reaction time, on the nature and concentration of the polymer-precursor solution, and on the nature and composition of the monomer mixture. This determines the possibility of predictable control of the functionality, structure and properties of supramolecular structures formed on the surface. It was established that the chemisorption of polymers from dilute and semi-diluted solution regimes, in which macromolecules exist in different conformations, determines the structure and packing density of immobilized brushes on the surface, and, accordingly, their surface properties and physical characteristics. This made it necessary to establish connections between the behavior of polymers in solution and the structure and properties of layers formed by polymer brushes on surfaces. The methods developed in the work and the regularities and properties of the functional polymer structures formed on the surfaces are necessary for the creation of pH- and thermo-sensitive materials, obtaining surfaces with controlled wetting or superhydrophobic properties, surface modification of the cathodes of energy conversion, storage and storage devices, ensuring the lithophilicity of polymeric porous separators, creation of electrically conductive, scintillating and luminescent composite materials. Keywords: polymer brushes, reactive polymers, films, nanocomposites, fiber materials, core/shell structures, porous structures, adsorption, dielectric properties, refractive index, luminescence, nanoparticles, atomic force microscopy, roughness, impedance spectroscopy.

Research papers

N. Y. Mitina, A. O. Riabtseva, V. M. Garamus, R. B. Lesyk, K. A. Volyaniuk, O. B. Izhyk, O. S. Zaichenko “Morphology of the Micelles Formed by a Comb-Like PEG-Containing Copolymer Loaded with Antitumor Substances with Different Water Solubilities”, Ukr. J. Phys., vol. 65, no. 8, p. 670, Jul. 2020, doi.org/10.15407/ujpe65.8.670.

O. B. Izhyk, O. V. Balaban, N. Y. Mitina , K. A. Volianiuk, Kh. I. Harhay, I. I. Grygorchak, O. S. Zaichenko, “Unexpected Resistance of Polyelectrolyte Brushes Formed via Surface-Initiated Polymerization on Glass and Sitall,” Acta Phys. Pol., vol. 141, no. 4, 2022, doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.141.293.

O. V. Balaban, O. B. Izhyk, O. S. Zaichenko, N. Y. Mitina, I. I. Grygorchak, and Kh. I. Harhay, “Li+ intercalation current generation in amorphous and crystalline MoS2: Experiment and theory,” Lith. J. Phys., vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 25–34, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.3952/PHYSICS.2023.63.1.4.

V. Datsyuk, N. Y. Mitina, O. S. Zaichenko, S. Trotsenko, O. V. Balaban, Kh. I. Harhay, M. Teucher, O. B. Izhyk, I. I. Grygorchak, L. Sygellou, O. Trotsenko, R. S. Stoika, O. Y. Klyuchivska, “Multipurpose composites with switched surface functionality and morphology based on oligoperoxide-modified electrospun nanofiber,” Appl. Nanosci., pp. 1–16, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.1007/S13204-023-02882-7/METRICS.

O. S. Zaichenko, N. Y. Mitina, Kh. I. Harhay, K. A. Volianiuk, O. B. Izhyk, O. L. Paiuk, N. Kinash, O. I. Hevus, “LEGO-like assemblage, functional polyamphiphiles, block/branched architecture, supramolecular structures”, Book of Abstracts International conference “The Sfnano – C’nano Joint Meeting 2019”, December 10th - 12th, 2019, Dijon, France, p. 5.

O. B. Izhyk, K. A. Volianiuk, O. L. Paiuk, O. V. Balaban, Yu. G. Shermolovich, N. Y. Mitina, O. S. Zaichenko, “Glass surface modification by comb-like polyethylene glycol and fluorine alkyl containing epoxide-terminated copolymers”, Abstract book of International Research And Practice Conference “Nanotechnology And Nanomaterials” (NANO-2020), August 26th - 29th, 2020, Lviv, Ukraine, s. 5, pp. 383-384.

O. B. Izhyk, O. V. Balaban, O. M. Hertsyk, M. Y. Holovchuk, K. A. Volianiuk, N. Y. Mitina, O. S. Zaichenko, “Molecular assemblage and characterization of functional polymeric brushes on amorphous metal surfaces”, Abstract book of International Research And Practice Conference “Nanotechnology And Nanomaterials” (NANO-2021), August 25th - 27th, 2021, Lviv, Ukraine, s. 5, p. 320.

О. Б. Іжик, К. А. Волянюк, О. В. Балабан, Х. І. Гаргай, Н. Є. Мітіна, О. С. Заіченко, “Отримання мультишарових поверхневих щіток методами молекулярної збірки”, Тези доповідей 12-ої міжнародної конференції студентів, аспірантів та молодих вчених “Сучасні проблеми хімії”, Травень 19-21, 2021, Київ, Україна, ст. 203.

O. B. Izhyk, K. A. Volianiuk, O. V. Balaban, Kh. I. Harhay, N. Y. Mitina, O. S. Zaichenko, “Molecular assemblage and study of irreversibly attached hydrophobic and hydrophilic polymeric nanolayers on glass and metal flat plates”, Abstract book of International Conference For Young Professionals In Physics And Technology, April 26th-30th, 2021, Kharkiv, Ukraine, s. 5, p. 47.

O. B. Izhyk, N. Y. Mitina, O. S. Zaichenko, K. A. Volianiuk, I. I. Grygorchak, O. V. Balaban, “Unexpected Conductivity of Anionic and Cationic Polyelectrolyte Nanobrushes on Flat Ceramic Surfaces”, Book of Abstracts of International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering – fabrication, properties and applications (OMEE-2021), September 28 - October 2, 2021, Lviv, Ukraine, s. 1, p. 19.

О. Б. Іжик, К. А. Волянюк, Х. І. Гаргай, Н. Є. Мітіна, О. І. Гевусь, З. Я. Надашкевич, О. С. Заіченко, “Двоетапний метод отримання мульшишарових полімерних покрить на твердій підкладці”, Тези доповідей 13-ої міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції “Сучасний рух науки”, Жовтень 18-19, 2021, Дніпро, Україна, ст. 121.

О. S. Zaichenko, N. Y. Mitina, Kh. I. Harhay, K. A. Volianiuk, O. B. Izhyk, O. I. Hevus, “Molecular design of amphiphilic polymers and supramolecular assemblies based on them in the volume and surfaces”, Book of Abstract International Scientific Online Conference "Modern Advances in Organic Synthesis, Polymer Chemistry and Food Additives" in honor of Prof. Stanislav Voronov, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of birth, December 7th-8th, 2021, Lviv, Ukraine, p. 19.

O. B. Izhyk, O. V. Balaban, N. Y. Mitina, K. A. Volianiuk, Kh. I. Harhay, I. I. Grygorchak, O. S. Zaichenko, “Study of the resistance of polyelectrolyte brushes formed on ceramics via surface-initiated polymerization”, Book of Abstract International Scientific Online Conference "Modern Advances in Organic Synthesis, Polymer Chemistry and Food Additives" in honor of Prof. Stanislav Voronov, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of birth, December 7th-8th, 2021, Lviv, Ukraine, p. 68.

O. V. Balaban, N. Y. Mitina, O. S. Zaichenko, O. B. Izhyk, B. Y. Venhryn, A. S. Andrushchak, "Promising Cathode Material Based on Inorganic Nanocomposites for Li+-intercalation Current Generation", 2021 IEEE 11th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/NAP51885.2021.9568534.

O. B. Izhyk, M. Y. Holovchuk, S. A. Korniy, K. A. Volianiuk, O. V. Balaban, N. Y. Mitina, O. S. Zaichenko, “Obtaining of core-shell ZnO nanoparticles on glass surfaces”, Book of abstracts of V International (XV Ukrainian) scientific conference for students and young scientists, March 22th-24th, 2022, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, p. 153.

O. B. Izhyk, O. V. Balaban, N. Y. Mitina, O. S. Zaichenko, “Polymer coatings & brushes: electro-physical study and application”, Abstract book of International Research And Practice Conference “Nanotechnology And Nanomaterials” (NANO-2022), August 25th-27th, 2022, Lviv, Ukraine, p. 170.

O. B. Izhyk, A. M. Kostruba, O. V. Balaban, K. A. Volianiuk, N. Y. Mitina, O. S. Zaichenko, “Peculiarities of the formation of functional oligomer brushes onto a glass surface in dilute and semi-dilute regimes”, Abstract book of International Research And Practice Conference “Nanotechnology And Nanomaterials” (NANO-2022), August 25th-27th, 2022, Lviv, Ukraine, p. 388.

К. А. Волянюк, Н. Є. Мітіна, Х. І. Гаргай, О. І. Гевусь, О. Б. Іжик, О. С. Заіченко, “Синтез блочних та розгалужених полімерів із прищепленими поліоксазоліновими ланцюгами”, Матеріали 2-ої міжнародної наукової конференції “Стратегічні напрямки розвитку науки: фактори впливу та взаємодії”, квітень 7, 2023, Рівне, Україна, ст. 86-89, https://doi.org/10.36074/mcnd-07.04.2023.

К. А. Волянюк, Н. Є. Мітіна, Х. І. Гаргай, О. Б. Іжик, О. С. Заіченко, “Синтез поверхнево-активних розгалужених кополімерів на основі лігніну”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Directions and Movements in Science”, April 16-18, 2023, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, pp. 508-513.

О. Б. Іжик, О. С. Заіченко, Н. Є. Мітіна, О. Р. Ліщинський, Ю. Б. Стецишин, Х. І. Гаргай, К. А. Волянюк, О. В. Балабан, О. С. Солопан, “Molecular building of diblock and triblock copolymer brushes from the planar surfaces”, Всеукраїнська наукова конференція «Актуальні задачі хімії: дослідження та перспективи», 19 квітня, 2023, Житомир, Україна, ст. 38, ISBN 978-617-7992-50-8.


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