Povshenko O. Improvement of the rotational method of measuring the electrostatic field strength

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 152 - Метрологія та інформаційно-вимірювальна техніка

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.002.129; ID 5318

National Technscal University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute".


The dissertation is devoted to the improvement of the rotational method of measuring the strength of the electrostatic field by reducing its measurement errors and the development of an improved information-measuring system (IMS) of the strength of the electrostatic field with increased accuracy and in a low measurement range from 0 to 1 kV/m. The main part of the dissertation work consists of four chapters, which are devoted to the study of ways to improve the rotational method of measuring the strength of the electrostatic field and the development of an improved IMS. The first chapter is dedicated to the overview of the problem and justification of the research direction of the dissertation work. The requirements for the hardware for measuring the voltage of the EF with increased accuracy in the low measurement range from 0 to 1 kV/m are substantiated. The selection of the rotational method of measuring the strength of the electrostatic field is justified. The second section of the dissertation is devoted to mathematical and computer modeling of the electrostatic field mill (EFM) sensor. The structure and physical principle of the EFM sensor are considered, and the requirements for its mathematical model are substantiated. An analysis of the common equation for the conversion of the electrostatic field strength into current, which describes the operation of the EFM sensor, and its imperfections were determined. An improved conversion equation is proposed and justified, which describes the operation of the EFM sensor, taking into account the limitations and imperfections that are present in the typical conversion equation. In order to compare the improved mathematical model of the EFM sensor with the typical one, a computer simulation of the EF distribution between the sensitive plates and shielding plate of the EFM sensor was carried out, and the numerical values of the charge induced on the sensor plate were determined and the value of the induced current was calculated. It is established that the waveform obtained using the improved transformation equation better corresponds to the real signal, compared to the typical one. The next part of the study was aimed at establishing the optimal configuration and structure of the EFM sensor: determining the value of the optimal distance between the sensitive plates and the shielded plate; determination of the value of the rational number of sectors. The third chapter of the dissertation is devoted to the development of an improved information and measuring system of the electrostatic field strength. A generalized structural scheme of the IMS of the EF strength is proposed and substantiated. In order to improve the current-to-voltage conversion scheme, the scheme of an ungrounded differential transimpedance amplifier with zero voltage drop is proposed and substantiated. Computer simulations of circuit noise parameters in the frequency range and the actual amplification factor for typical and proposed schemes of differential transimpedance amplifiers were carried out. The methodology for calculating the instrumental error of measuring the analog EF cascade is proposed and substantiated, and the influence of the quantization error on the overall result of measuring the strength of the EF is analyzed. The fourth chapter of the dissertation is devoted to the experimental study of the improved electrostatic field mill. An algorithm for digital processing of the measurement information obtained from the sensor of the improved EFM, as a result of calibrated measurement of the strength of the EF, is proposed and substantiated. The structure of the algorithm is presented and its main stages are substantiated: oversampling algorithm, digital filtering, processing of measurement results, amplitude analyzer of the signal sweep, storage and transmission of information. Methodical, algorithmic and software for calibrating the improved EFM has been developed. The calibration algorithm of the analog circuit of the electrostatic field mill and the EFM sensor is proposed and substantiated. A reference stand for sensor calibration has been designed. Methods of conducting an experimental study of measurement errors of the improved electrostatic field mill have been developed. The results of the conducted experiment are presented.

Research papers

Povshenko O. Increasing sensitivity of the electrostatic field mill sensor by determining its optimal configuration [Електронний ресурс] / Oleksandr Povshenko, Olha Pazdrii// Technology audit and production reserves. – 2023. – Т. 6, № 1(74). – С. 21–27. (Категорія Б)

Povshenko O. Increasing the accuracy of electrostatic fields strength measurement by using an improved differential transimpedance amplifier circuit [Електронний ресурс] / Oleksandr Povcshenko,Viktor Bazhenov, Olha Pazdrii, Halyna Bohdan // Eastern-EuropeanJournalofEnterprise Technologies.– 2023. – Т. 6, № 5(126). – С. 6–14. (Категорія А, Scopus Q3)

Povshenko O. Analysis of modern atmospheric electrostatic field measuring instruments and methods [Електронний ресурс] / Oleksandr Povshenko, Viktor Bazhenov // Technology audit and production reserves. – 2023. – Т. 4, № 1(72). – С. 16–24. (Категорія Б)

Повшенко О. А. Методичні особливості розрахунку похибок вимірювання напруженості електростатичного поля / О. А. Повшенко, В. Г. Баженов. // Вісник Національного технічного університету України "Київський політехнічний інститут". Сер.: Приладобудування. – 2023. – №65. – С. 65–72. (Категорія Б)

Баженов В. Узагальнення математичної моделі електростатичного флюксометра для підвищення точності вимірювання напруженості атмосферного електростатичного поля / В. Баженов, О. Повшенко// XXІІ Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція “ПРИЛАДОБУДУВАННЯ: стан і перспективи”: Міжнар. наук. конф., Київ, 16-17 трав. 2023р. – Київ, 2023. – С.185–286.

Баженов В. Вдосконалення функціональної схеми електростатичного флюксиметра / В. Баженов, О. Повшенко // ХV Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Інтегровані інтелектуальні робото-технічні комплекси (ІІРТК-2022)»: Міжнар. наук. конф., Київ, 23 трав. 2023 р. – Київ, 2023. – С.165–166.

Povshenko O.A. Analysis of modern methods of measuring electric fields [Electronic resource]/ O. A. Povshenko, V. G. Bazhenov// Formation of perceptions of the structure of scientific methodology: Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference, Vienna, 30–31 December 2022. – [S.l.], 2022. – P.5–7. – Mode of access: https://intersci.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Formation-of-perceptions-of-the-structure-of-scientific-methodology.pdf.


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