Vilhelm M. Substantiation of technological parameters of vibration separation of minerals during magnetic flotation beneficiation of magnetite quartzites.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 184 - Гірництво

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 09.052.016 (ID 6490)

Kryvyi Rih National University


The dissertation is devoted to the development of technological solutions with the subsequent change of the existing technology of magnetite quartzite beneficiation at PJSC "INGOK", which is based on a combination of vibration and magnetic flotation methods of beneficiation. This technology makes it possible to obtain two types of marketable products with high iron and low silica content and reduce sludge formation. The introduction substantiates the relevance of this study, describes the purpose and objectives of the work, as well as its scientific novelty and practical value. Chapter 1 analyzes the existing methods of flotation beneficiation of magnetite concentrates, as well as studies of magnetic coagulation, flocculation, and heterocoagulation. Based on this analysis, the purpose, object, subject, and objectives of the study are formulated. The study of raw materials in Chapter 2 is carried out using standard methods. Based on these results, conclusions are drawn regarding the formation of optimal conditions for the preparation of feed for flotation. Section 3 is devoted to the development and adequacy testing of mathematical models of magnetic coagulation of magnetite particles. The model is based on the anisotropic nature of the interaction between particles, which is caused by longitudinal forces of attraction and transverse forces of repulsion. To evaluate the effect of vibration on the separation process, section 4 evaluates the effect of vibration on the destruction of mineral aggregates and complexes. It is established that vibration can be used to improve the efficiency of fine screening of both the frothy flotation product and the flotation feed. The fifth chapter contains practical recommendations, the results of experiments and the development of a new technological scheme. In this chapter, the author describes a new technology of vibration-magnetic flotation beneficiation of magnetite quartzite. The scheme of the new technology is presented, as well as the results of its industrial testing. The conclusions summarize the results of the work performed and describe the main results obtained in the study.

Research papers

1. Олійник Т.А., Вільгельм М.М. Передумови підвищення селективності розділення рудної та нерудної складової пінного продукту флотації. Гірничий вісник. 2021. Вип.109. С. 73–79.

2. Олійник Т.А., Вільгельм М.М. Особливості коагуляції частинок та адсорбція реагентів на поверхні пінного продукту флотації. Вісник Криворізького національного університету. 2023. Вип. 57. С. 70–76.

3. Олійник Т.А., Вільгельм М.М. Аналіз явищ коагуляції та седиментації пінного продукту з метою створення математичної моделі процесу магнітно-флотаційного збагачення. Вісник Національного університету водного господарства та природокористування. Серія «Технічні науки». 2023. Вип. 3(103). С. 213–224.


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