Chen H. The creative activity of O. Tcherepnin in the context of the world musical art of the XX century

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 025 - Музичне мистецтво


Specialized Academic Board


Kharkiv State Academy of Culture


The thesis is dedicated to revealing the nature and main directions of Tcherepnin's creative activity and determining its role in the context of world (in particular Chinese) musical art of the 20th century. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the scale of the artistic figure of O. Tcherepnin; the artistic significance of his creative activity; the importance of musicological understanding of its significant role in the world (especially Chinese) musical art of the 20th century, as well as the lack of investigation of the mentioned problematic in Ukrainian musicology. The purpose of the research is to conceptualize the creative activity of O. Tcherepnin and determine its role in the world musical art of the 20th century. The object of research is world music art of the 20th century. The subject of the research is the creative activity of O. Tcherepnin in the context of world musical art of the 20th century. The scientific novelty of the research lies primarily in the fact that, for the first time in Ukrainian musicology, the creative activity of O. Tcherepnin appears as the object of a special scientific study. For the first time in Ukrainian musicology: - the importance of the creative figure of O. Tcherepnin in the world music art of the 20th century is substantiated; the character of the representation of the creative personality and artistic activity of O. Tcherepnin in the world musicological discourse is highlighted; - a systematic historiography of world research in the field of cranial studies as a separate direction of modern musicology was created and a typology of musicological publications dedicated to the creative figure, artistic activity and compositional heritage of O. Tcherepnin was proposed; - the musical-theoretical concept of O. Tcherepnin is characterized in the context of creative searches of composers of the first half of the 20th century and the specifics of the artist's musical language is substantiated; - the main directions of O. Tcherepnin's creative activity are defined; - periodization of O. Tcherepnin's compositional activity was carried out and its main stages were characterized; - the compositional heritage of O. Tcherepnin was summarized and systematized and its genre typology was created; - the concert performance activity of O. Tcherepnin is highlighted; - the musical and pedagogical activity of O. Tcherepnin was characterized and its main stages were determined; - the cultural and educational activity of O. Cherepnin is characterized; - the character of Olexander Tcherepnin's creative dialogue with Chinese culture is revealed; - the creative activity of O. Tcherepnin in China is highlighted and its historical role in the development of Chinese musical art of the 20th century is substantiated; - the influence of Chinese culture and art on O. Tcherepnin's compositional work is revealed; - the character of the embodiment of the images of Chinese literature and folklore in the Concerto (Fantasy) No. 4 for piano and orchestra by O. Tcherepnin is determined and the linguistic and compositional features of this work are characterized; - the peculiarities of the composer's interpretation of Chinese poetry in Oleksandr Tcherepnin's vocal cycle Seven Songs on Chinese Poems op. 71 and the character of the musical language and compositional structure of the work is highlighted; - a significant number of composer works of O. Tcherepnin were introduced into the scientific circulation of Ukrainian musicology; among them first of all The Piano Concerto No. 4 and Seven Songs on Chinese Poems op. 71 as well as, in particular, the operas Ol-Ol and The Nymph and the Farmer, ballet Ajanta’s Frescoes; First symphony, Symphonic prayer, Concerto da Camera for Flute, Violin and Piano; Five Concert Etudes (Chinese) for Piano; Georgian Rhapsody; Magna Mater, cantata Live by love, etc.); - created creative portraits of outstanding musicians – students and followers of Oleksandr Tcherepnin: Phillip Ramey, Enrique Alberto Arias, Guy Snyder Wuellner, Gloria Coates, John W. Downey, Robert Muczynski, Martha Braden, He Luting, etc. Clarified: - principles of periodization of O. Tcherepnin's creative activity. Received further development: - ideas of content-conceptual transformations in the European musical art of the first half of the 20th century; - ideas about Chinese traditional musical culture and national musical instruments; - ideas about the ways of development of Chinese musical art of the 20th century.

Research papers

Чень Хайюнь. Ладогармонічна концепція композиторської творчості Олександра Черепніна // Культура України : зб. наук. пр. / Харків. держ. акад. культури ; за заг. ред. В. Шейка. Харків : ХДАК, 2021. Вип. 73. С. 121-127.

Чень Хайюнь. Композиторська творчість Олександра Черепніна: періодизація та жанрово-тематична характеристика // Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук : міжвуз. зб. наук. пр. молодих вчених Дрогобицького держ. пед. ун-ту імені Івана Франка. Дрогобич : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2023. Вип. 70. Т. 2. С. 143-149. DOI

Чень Хайюнь. Музично-педагогічна та просвітницька діяльність Олександра Черепніна в Китаї та США // Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук : міжвуз. зб. наук. пр. молодих вчених Дрогобицького держ. пед. ун-ту імені Івана Франка / [редактори-упорядники М. Пантюк, А. Душний, В. Ільницький, І. Зимомря]. Вип. 74. Дрогобич : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2024. Т. 2. С. 148-155. DOI

Польська І., Чень Х. Творча постать Олександра Черепніна у світовому науковому дискурсі // Мистецтвознавчі та культурологічні студії. (Fine Art and Culture Studies). Вип. 3. Луцьк : Волин. нац. ун-т імені Лесі Українки, 2024. С. 74–81. DOI

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