Iosifov I. Methods and Means of Ensuring Secure Recognition and Parameterization of Speech Information Processing Results.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 125 - Кібербезпека та захист інформації


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 7348

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University


The dissertation is devoted to solving an urgent scientific problem, the essence of which is to increase the efficiency of applying secure recognition and parameterization of voice information processing results by combining natural language and voice information recognition approaches to build voice authentication systems, detect intentions and determine the emotional state of subjects in information and communication systems, as well as implement cybersecurity management measures at state-owned enterprises and in private. The methodology of voice information processing is a powerful tool that has a significant impact on the security of the state and the work of commercial organizations through the automation of monitoring processes of electronic communications and audio archives, based on real-time recognition of speech, emotions, and intentions, which is facilitated by several factors that make us pay attention to the methodology and the relevance of their improvement: 1. The changing landscape of cyber threats. With the advent of generative models and increased computing power, traditional security models that rely on highly structured data no longer adequately detect and respond to fake audio data. Therefore, the tasks of detecting, registering, and responding to new challenges, as well as the rapid development of this industry, are becoming urgent. 2. Transition of voice information from telephone conversations to teleconferences. When traditional telephone conversations were used, the telecom operator and government agencies potentially had access to their content. Therefore, the duration and content of conversations were shorter and subject to self-censorship. With the transition to teleconferencing, the cost of calls decreased, and the proliferation of end-to-end encryption methods created a perception of security, subscribers began to have more open and longer conversations, which became especially relevant in the era of remote work. Also, due to the increase in the volume of voice information, the state must process it faster to detect, for example, terrorist threats, and for private enterprises to detect leaks of confidential data. 3. Data breaches and external threats. Deepfakes and the introduction of distortions in the original audio data of a subscriber pose a threat of oversaturation of the information system with requests. Detecting and counteracting fraud in intent analysis, including the generation of a large number of fake intentions, leads to the overloading of externally connected systems and limiting response resources, which poses a threat of not receiving attention from legitimate actors. 4. Expanding the role of cloud services. As businesses and organizations increasingly use cloud services to store confidential audio data, there is a need for additional processing, including depersonalization and removal of sensitive data from the audio stream. 5. Compliance requirements. The personal data of subscribers is subject to confidentiality requirements within the framework of governmental standards (GDPR, HIPAA), commercial (PCI DSS), and/or ethical restrictions. Audio data, in turn, is a difficult type of information to search and analyze in a structured way due to the requirements and restrictions. 6. Continuous monitoring and adaptive security. Voice data can be processed both archived and in real-time, but the bottleneck of information and communication systems is streaming data processing. Therefore, incident response can be carried out in two ways: immediate actions and incident investigation, but both approaches have their own set of unresolved issues. 7. Incident response and threat detection. Voice recognition systems do not have incident response mechanisms, so they must signal other systems in real time. Integration with external information and communication systems for security has limitations on performance and delays in processing requests, but still reduces potential damage. It should also be noted that the relevance of the response decreases dramatically over time.

Research papers

Іосіфов, Є. (2023). Комплексний метод по автоматичному розпізнаванню природньої мови та емоційного стану. Електронне фахове наукове видання «Кібербезпека: освіта, наука, техніка», 3(19), 146–164.

Марценюк, М., Козачок, В., Богданов, О., Іосіфов, Є., & Бржевська, З. (2023). Аналіз методів виявлення дезінформації в соціальних мережах за допомогою машинного навчання. Електронне фахове наукове видання «Кібербезпека: освіта, наука, техніка», 2(22), 148–155.

Іосіфов, Є., & Соколов, В. (2024). Методи аналізу природної мови та застосування нейронних мереж в кібербезпеці. Електронне фахове наукове видання «Кібербезпека: освіта, наука, техніка», 4(24), 398–414.

Іосіфов, Є., & Соколов, В. (2024). Порівняльний аналіз методів, технологій, сервісів та платформ для розпізнавання голосової інформації в системах забезпечення інформаційної безпеки. Електронне фахове наукове видання «Кібербезпека: освіта, наука, техніка», 1(25), 468–486.


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