Chaban V. Administrative enforcement acts in activities of Ukrainian militia (a manuscript)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 12.00.07 - Адміністративне право і процес; фінансове право; інформаційне право


Specialized Academic Board



Об'єкт дослідження - it is a social connects which appeared when militia use acts of administrative enforcement. Мета дослідження - to study range of theoretical aspects of the administrative enforcement acts and their practical implementation by militia bodies of Ukraine. Методи дослідження - historical-law, system, comparative-law, formal-logical, sociological, typological, formal-law, statistical methods. Теоретичні результати та новизна - the Dissertation is devoted to the process of learning theoretical and practical aspects of development administrative-law science, ways of improvement of legislation in implementations administrative enforcement acts. Практичні результати та новизна - the Dissertation is determinate the basis of practical use of administrative enforcement acts of militia bodies of Ukraine. Conclusions, suggestions, main points of the Dissertation are use in improvement of legislation and during process of learning of administrative law. Предмет і ступінь впровадження - suggestio ns are send to Department of administrative militia of Ministry of Internal Affaires of Ukraine. Ефективність впровадження - suggestions and recommendations are get positive mark. Сфера використання - process of learning, practical activity by militia bodies of Ukraine.

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