The dissertation is devoted to the problem of improving (future teachers) by the way of forming axiological bases of learning, that is value altitude to physical culture and sports. The specificity of basic paradigms of the realization of value approach in the context of basic paradigms of modern pedagogy is defined.It is experimentally proved that in terms of traditional conditions teaching of the attitude of students to physical culture and sports and definite subject in the structure of vocational training is not optimal..It is confirmed that forming of value attitude of students to physical training and sports should be based on the actualization of current and prospective personally, socially and professionally meaningful motives. The basis of the work with students in the terms of the forming experiment is the aggregate of conceptual regulations and creating of the psychologically - pedagogical conditions which correspond to these regulations. To realize these regulation the author suggest the definite technological system the implementation of which allowed to improve considerably motivational bases of studying the course "Physical training", to form the students value attitude to physical culture and sports, to form the need for continuous