Khodimchuk O. Violent crimes committed by criminals with psychiatric anomalies and their prevention.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.007.03

National Academy of Internal Affairs


Об'єкт дослідження - violent crimes committed by criminals with psychiatric anomalies. Мета дослідження - to define researched the notion, types, causes and prevalence of psychiatric anomalies of persons who had committed violent crime. Методи дослідження та апаратура - a) scientific general (systematic, historical, logical and legal, comparative and legal); b) sociological (questioning, studies of criminal cases); d) statistical (analysis of indices). Теоретичні результати і новизна - suggested theoretical provisions could serve initial scientific basis for the further studies of criminological and legal criminal problems of prevention of violent crimes committed by persons with psychiatric anomalies, promote improving of criminal legislation of Ukraine and practice of its implementation. Практичні результати і новизна - basic provisions of the thesis could be used: a) in practical activity of law enforcement and other state bodies, b) in making amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine; c) some provisions and conclusions of the thesis could be used in preparing appropriate chapters of the manuals and textbooks in "Criminology" and "Crime prevention", in scientific-research work of Masters, students, cadets of the educational establishments of MIA, at the refreshing courses of the law enforcement officers and also in order to improve general legal level of the public. Предмет і ступінь впровадження - results of the work are submitted for approval and implementation by the Criminal Police of affairs the minors, in education process of National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and European university. Ефективність впровадження - conclusions and proposals have been positively estimated by the experts. Сфера використання - preventive activity of law enforcement bodies, law making, teaching.


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