Tekuchenko E. Characteristic of a structurally functional condition of a bone tissue in children with rheumatoid arthritis and correction of the revealed disorders at a sanatorium stage of rehabilitation.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.10 - Педіатрія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 52.600.01


Object - pathogenic aspects of osteoporosis juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) in children at the age of 6-16 years; methods - clinical, laboratory, hormonal, functional (myography, reography), ultrasonic, densitometry, statistical; novelty - is given a complex estimation of a structurally-functional condition of a bone tissue, depending on the form and duration of disease, age, sex and physical development of children with JRA, a condition of biochemical markers of osteogenesis, peripheral hemodynamics, bioelectric activity of muscles. The scientific substantiation of expediency and efficacy of preparation calcemin application and bioresonant vibrostimulation in children with osteopenic condition on a background of JRA is given; results - dynamics of the pa-rameters describing inclusion of differentiated of the complex rehabilitation program in children with JRA is tracked, pro-motes regress of processes osteopeny, pathological semiol-ogy, normalization of peripheral blood circulation, bioelectric activity of muscles, calcium - phosphoric metabolism, change of other markers of osteogenesis. It is proved, that applica-tions of combined physio-pharmaco-therapy in a complex of rehabilitation measures in children with JRA, causes more expressed rehabilitation effect of treatment of these children; region - medicine


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