Horbatiuk I. Symptomatic specifications in development of chronic cholecystitis and gallbladder cholesterolosis with respect to patients with comorbid ischemic heart disease and obesity, explanation of the differential treatment

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.02 - Внутрішні хвороби


Specialized Academic Board

Д 58.601.02


This thesis discusses a theoretical generalization of the empirical research and the achieved solution for the main scientific research goal - the improvement of diagnostic and treatment of patients with chronic cholecystitis and gallbladder cholesterolosis accompanied by comorbid ischemic heart disease and obesity. The scientific work relies on the results achieved by clinical trials and a complex medical research of the specifications in medical state of patients, metabolic and blood vessels mechanisms in the disease development and progression. The method for pathogenetic treatment of the disease has been successfully improved in this work by applying rosuvastatin, mosaprid and ursodeoxycholic acid.


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