Moiseyenko I. Optimisation of treatment of dyslipidemia in patients with arterial hypertension with obesity depending on C825T polymorphism of the G protein B3 subunit gene.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 14.01.02 - Внутрішні хвороби


Specialized Academic Board



Object of study: arterial hypertension (AH) and obesity. The aim of the study. improving the efficiency of the treatment of dyslipidemia in patients with hypertension and obesity based on C825T gene polymorphism of B3-subunit of G-protein. Research methods.General clinical, anthropometric, laboratory (blood count, urinalysis, glucose, total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, cholesterol low-density lipoprotein, cholesterol high-density lipoprotein, creatinine), tools (electrocardiography, echocardiography, ophthalmoscopy), genetic ( DNA isolation leukocytes from whole blood followed by PCR to determine gene polymorphic sites GNB3 (rs5443) and restriction fragment length analysis) and statistical. Scientific novelty. The first set frequency C and T alleles of C825T polymorphism of B3-subunit of G-protein in patients with hypertension and different weight. Supplemented by scientific data on the distribution of genotypes of C825T polymorphism of B3-subunit of G-protein in patients with hypertension, depending on body weight. For the first time proved higher risk of developing hypertension in patients with overweight and obesity, which are heterozygous and homozygous for the T allele. Supplemented with a higher frequency of carriers of the minor allele of the C825T polymorphism of B3-subunit of G-protein in patients with hypertension and obesity. It proves the link C825T and T825T genotypes with high risk of development of obesity and metabolic disorders in patients with hypertension. Supplemented by scientific data on blood pressure parameters depending on the genotypes of C825T polymorphism of B3-subunit of G-protein in patients with hypertension. For the first time revealed that the frequency of T825T genotype in patients with hypertension and frequent complications of hypertensive crisis is higher than in patients with uncomplicated hypertensive crises. Expediency definition genotype C825T polymorphism of B3-subunit of G-protein in patients with hypertension and different body weight to prescribe dual start, targeted doses of statins.


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